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Not sure this should be flowering now. It flowered at Christmas & after was such a weak flattened bulb that I put it in the compost bin. Much later I found that it was trying to grow, so I felt sorry for it & decided to fatten it up for next Christmas. Was not expecting a bloom in July. What to do with it after though. The bulb is still quite small.

9 Jul, 2023


That was certainly a surprise for you, FF! 😆

As you have discovered, though their main flower season is in March/April, they can flower at other times of the year! I think most people associate them with Christmas rather than Easter.

Like you I've had them flower when least expected as well!

Now you do as you should have done when it finished the first time, that is feed & water it till the leaves stop growing. Particularity give it a weekly feed of tomato or rose fertilizer according to the instructions on the bottle/packet. Even if the leaves don't turn yellow & then brown & die off stop feeding it at the end of September, (I stop feeding on the 21st, the day autumn begins!).

During October don't water it more than once every two weeks. The idea is to suspend all watering altogether during November & not to give it a drop more before you see new growth starting, perhaps in February or March. Even then be very careful not to leave the plant very wet as the bulb will have no roots till about the time you notice new growth. Light during winter is not important, to get it to flower again it needs at least 3 months of cold & dryness. But you must keep it in a frost-proof place or it will die.

Whenever you need advice just drop me a PM or make a public post.

11 Jul, 2023


Thanks for all that Balcony. I will follow your instructions to the letter.

12 Jul, 2023


Balcony, do I cut off the flower stem now it has finished?

19 Jul, 2023


Yes, you can cut it off but leave the leaves growing as long as possible! As with any bulb the leaves feed to bulb & prepare the flowers for next year. You could also give it a weekly feed if you use liquid fertilizer.

I've been giving mine a weekly feed for a number of weeks now & will continue to do so till the end of October when I will move them back inside the flat & stop all watering till the end of January or perhaps February.

23 Jul, 2023


Mine still has healthy green leaves. I will do as you do & ease off watering in October. It is inside already as slugs were eating eat outside.

14 Sep, 2024


I had the same problem but with snails, not slugs. Slugs don't seem to climb much but as for snails ... well the sky is the limit! I've seen their trails glistening on the ceiling of the balcony!!

14 Sep, 2024

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