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Eucalyptus gunnii ‘France Bleu’

Eucalyptus gunnii ‘France Bleu’ (Eucalyptus gunnii (Cider gum))

A dwarf form of Eucalyptus. It will grow a couple of metres or so, but can be pruned and the prunings are great for floristry. This will be in my back garden eventually. I didn’t bring any plants from Scotland, but the statues did come with me!

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The little white flowering Hebes were planted by the developer.

1 Mar, 2024


I do like eucalyptus, we did have one of the very tall, fast growing varieties, which we removed some years ago. I wish we’d just pruned it to a certain height.
This one will look attractive in your green once planted.
I will admire your hebes as it’s a plant that doesn’t;t do well here!

1 Mar, 2024


I don’t think it would have worked Kate. I tried to grow the big ones in Carnoustie. I had a couple and they grew really well. They even fruited! But they have that long tap root and the wind just blew them to such an angle that they were leaning dangerously so they had to come out. I also had E pauciflora which is a lot more suitable for a garden and a beautiful tree. Now, the RHS magazine recently ran a great article on Eucalyptus varieties and it was very helpful. I’ve saved it.

1 Mar, 2024

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This photo is of "Eucalyptus gunnii ‘France Bleu’" in Cottagekaren22's garden

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