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24 hours later

24 hours later

Have plans to use this as a utility area for compost, bark, overwintering plants, etc. But the soil is so friable and rich - we could grow veg.........!

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What a good clearance. Best Wishes, Hywel.

26 Aug, 2008


I'm impressed!! I'd have loved to help you with clearing this, you have worked ssooooo hard. Bet you've slept really well

27 Aug, 2008


I have discovered muscles I didn't know I had! Woke this morning at 2am and tossed for 2 hours, planning how to allocate each area of land. Now, am groggily trying to get ready for work and have to face the task of finding the ingredient to cook a meal for my husband before I leave (he has a day off work). Our 4 children descended unexpectedly for two days and two nights and have eaten everything in sight!!!

27 Aug, 2008


good to get together though I'm sure and I hope you made them earn their keep by lending a hand with the garden clearance!!

28 Aug, 2008


The children had an impromptu BBQ so my husband decided not to have a bonfire. As the evening progressed we could see that he was itching to light up and my eldest son was keen to get involved. We sorted out old clothes for everyone and went round at 11pm and lit up. One neighbour did shine a powerful torch down the garden but must have realised what was happening - we are known for being a little mad!!

2 Sep, 2008


I'm all for being a little mad :-D Sounds like a great evening!

2 Sep, 2008


omg it must have taken you ages to clear that lot?

15 Sep, 2008

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