By Jacque

29 Aug, 2008
Comments on this photo
Gorgeous Jacque, you beat me to it, I spent ages today trying to photo one of these Red Admirals on my Buddleija!
29 Aug, 2008
It took me ages to get it just rite Janey he/she kept flying off on2other branchs lol, but i waited &waited which was well worth it:)it stayed in my garden all day 2day along with the Many White Green Veined&the Few Tortoiseshells that were fluttering around with it:)
29 Aug, 2008
you really do take nice pics jaque.
30 Aug, 2008
Lovely photo.... I dont know whats happened to all the Red Admirals down here this year, i havnt seen a single one... we usually have loads in the garden.........
31 Aug, 2008
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I hope some of these come and visit my sedum.
Very pretty, Jacque.
29 Aug, 2008