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View from the Kitchen Window

View from the Kitchen Window

Early morning on August 31 and there is a touch of Frost on the rooftops and on the grass.

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O No Frost!

31 Aug, 2008


Frost please no I am still waiting for summer

31 Aug, 2008


Frost already ! OH !

31 Aug, 2008


Great view Lorraine, love the balcony, is that your BBQ covered up?

31 Aug, 2008


Sorry about the bad news guys...I tried to fend Mr. J. Frost off for a little while longer but no luck, heard on the news last night that Canmore Alberta had 4" of snow fall.,,, Janey, Yup thats my BBQ, I keep it covered when not in use, it stays there for the winter and the cover keeps the snow off, after a long winter the first BBQ meal is sooo Delicious!

1 Sep, 2008


Frost in August ?

You'll have us thinking that Britain really is a warm place to live.

Do you need to have winter protection ready for some of those nice plants we can see from your window?

It's a good photo.

So interesting for me to see exactly what you see when you look out of your kitchen window.

1 Sep, 2008


When I lived in Dublin it took me awhile to get used to the damp cold ...almost seemed colder there than it is when its -20C here!
Some people wrap their Conifers in burlap for the winter but I haven't and they have been fine. Most of the plants will die back, just need to prune them down before the first snowfall. Was out in the garden today, had to empty the water barrel before it freezes and started the fall "batten down the hatches" routine.

1 Sep, 2008


Sounds like a real long Winter Lorraine, do you have the snow all the way through? When will your Spring Start? You must post some pics of Xmas there,
I bet it's stunning then.

2 Sep, 2008


We get snow usually (touch wood, no earlier!) by the end of October to beginning of November and stays until April tho some years it has been here at the end of May. Its pretty exciting here when Spring happens, we are all suffering with Cabin-Fever (old expression - cooped up in the house and cant get out cause of the snow) by then!
Will try to get some pics of xmas for everyone - tough tho as its usually -30 to -40c that time of year!

2 Sep, 2008


Been here since 1982 and still find the winters hard to adjust to! I get so depressed and can't wait for the first signs of life to appear in the garden again. At least this year I'll have everyone's pictures to look back on as I plan next year's planting!

26 Sep, 2008


Hi Gillian ~
I hope you're enjoying "Lorrainenagle Day".
Remember in Winter you can keep looking for signs of spring ~
Bulbs peeping up through the snow.
Does that happen in Ontario, just like in GB?

26 Sep, 2008


I'm having a great "Lorrainenagle Day"! Just been all the way back through your summer pics!
Bulbs peeping through the snow may happen in April if we're lucky. I'm going to plant some snow crocuses soon since they are the first to flower.
In England I remember forsythia and snowdrops January/February - I miss that! Here it seems to be winter for months, a week of spring-like temperatures then into summer heat!

26 Sep, 2008


Okay, i havent been on the site for awhile and am confused -"Lorrainenagle Day"????? Seems I missed a day when everyone came to call on my Garden ....oops what a bad host : (

31 Oct, 2008


Gillian selects a member on a particular day, and checks back through all their photos, making likes and comments.

I joked that she can have a Terratoonie Day when she is busy, because I have only eleven photos. Lol.

So don't worry, we didn't all turn up and find you weren't there to show us your lovely garden and to serve us fancy cakes on a tray. :o)

~~~ nice to have you back with GoY again. :o)

31 Oct, 2008


Sorry to confuse you!

31 Oct, 2008


Gillian ~ I hope your Hallowe'en goes well. You obviously did lots of work.
Will your avatar alter again by the time you reply I ask myself ? :o)

31 Oct, 2008


No, I think he stays for today! I'm busy making trouble over at facebook currently, adding information about Samhain and how to make Soul Cakes in my Green Man-Back To Nature group!
Also planning what to wear to work today..........

31 Oct, 2008

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