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Road Runner

Road Runner

Wylie coyote's favorite meal.

Comments on this photo


Wow, I want one. You don't see them up where I live. NY is either too cold or not dry enough

7 Sep, 2008


He's almost as fast on the ground as the hummers are in the air!!

7 Sep, 2008


*holds up sign* Help ... Wylie falls yet again.

7 Sep, 2008


Yep..Acme gadget fails again. lol.

7 Sep, 2008


I saw this shot and started singing. "Road Runner the coyotes after you..." : )

7 Sep, 2008


Nope..just Amanda with her "shooter!"

8 Sep, 2008


Excellent picture.
Where exactly was this bird ?
In your yard?

8 Sep, 2008


He was in the front yard.

9 Sep, 2008


Beep..beep !!! What an awesome sight to see !

20 Sep, 2008

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This photo is of "Garden Wildlife" in Gardengnome's garden

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