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Hampton Court Flower Show-no this was not me!


By Arlene

Hampton Court Flower Show-no this was not me!


Comments on this photo


This just has to be a caption competiton Arlene! Sorry madam I know prices have gone up but disguising yourself as a pot plant wont wash .

11 Sep, 2008


C'mon then start it off!
i had rose wine with my lunch but this is ridiculous!

11 Sep, 2008


ello ello ello, Pots been going on here then?

12 Sep, 2008


Good morning, madam, did you think we wouldn't notice then?

12 Sep, 2008


Thanks Spritzhenry-I like that.
Husband said' gardening's gone to her head again!"

12 Sep, 2008


I have reason to believe you have been taking pot

12 Sep, 2008


Thats a good one Andrew.

12 Sep, 2008


A new episode of the Bill ( and Ben ) featured Weed being arrested for dead-heading and smoking herself while on duty.

12 Sep, 2008


I have to stop reading all these funnies - I am laughing so much that my husband thinks I AM BONKERS!!!!!!!!

12 Sep, 2008


You don't have to be but it helps!

12 Sep, 2008


Pothead arrested at garden show !!!!!!

12 Sep, 2008


But, Arlene, there is ONLY ONE BONKERS! (I call him BB)

12 Sep, 2008


Spritz : Beware. There may be a BONKERS imposter....
On Gardeners' World TV show yesterday, Toby Buckland said people thought he was BONKERS to put turf in a seed tray. Or have we found the true identity of Bonkers ?........... BB was mysteriously unavailable during the half hour that Gardeners' World was being broadcast...

13 Sep, 2008


Thank you Spritz for the endorsement. Used to think the same until reading TTs Olympic blog . Either there are a lot of other imposters out there or being bonkers is highly contagious.x

14 Sep, 2008


Bonkers ~ not sure spreading your Bonkers infection to all and sundry is fair play. Asked my doctor about an inoculation against Bonkers, but doc said there's no such treatment.

'What's up, doc ?' I said. 'Does this mean once I've caught the Bonkers bug there's no cure ?' He was strangely silent. When I told him one symptom was I felt like a pair of curtains, he just replied 'Pull yourself together.'

15 Sep, 2008


Steady TT youll end up with an ASBO - like this lady .ASsociate BOnkership.

15 Sep, 2008


All I can say is that the person in the photo must be totally potty.

15 Sep, 2008


She's now potty-trained for the GoY Wellie Olympics.

15 Sep, 2008


Thanks for all the comments- made me laugh this wet drizzly morning!

15 Sep, 2008

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