California Juniper (Juniperus californica) 377 years old, wow!
By Tasteyg

18 Sep, 2008
Bonsai Tree- Taken at the County Fair
Comments on this photo
At least 3 to 4 caretakers at the minimum, right? I didn't ask about it, but I'm sure that it's well-documented and no doubt worth a lot of $$.
19 Sep, 2008
It must be well documented as the age is so precise (377). I recon it has had at least 7-8 caretakers, but probably more. Worth loads of moolah! Probably insured up to the hilt.
4 Aug, 2009
I wonder how many different people have taken care of that tree over 377 years. It must be well-documented?
And worth a lot of money?
18 Sep, 2008