Raised beds
By Durham2000

19 Sep, 2008
We are building in some raised beds for next years veg! I'm sooo excited!
Comments on this photo
Looks so professional.
19 Sep, 2008
Looking Great, Ooooh all that fresh veg next year, Exciting.. Arent us Gardeners Mad haha
19 Sep, 2008
haha, totally nuts! I've got plans for loads of things...some trials really as I'm so 'wet behind the ears' as my dad loves to tell me haha. I want to grow sweetcorn and pumpkins and (for my son) loads of peas...runners, carrots, garlic, all manner of things. I'm like a kid in a sweet shop.
Professional? Well, when I said to my dad I was putting raised beds in, he got all fired up and helped me out a bit with the wood.
My next bigs are tackling the lawn (so bad!!) and sorting out the end of the garden (you can just see a bit of the mess on the right there....)...I'm building a triple bay compost bin. Yay!!!
Thanks for the lovely comments. xxx
19 Sep, 2008
Great Plans there Durham, my hub just built me A new double compost bin, Its Fab, i love my own compost on the beds, makes me feel all Powerfull, hehe..
19 Sep, 2008
You have certainly got your work cut out with all your plans, Good luck to you!
10 Apr, 2009
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Raised Bed Canopy Support
£16.99 at Suttons Seeds -
Timber Raised Bed Kit Standard 1.2m X 2.4m
£45.95 at Unwins -
Link A Bord Raised Bed Kits X 2
£39.98 at Suttons Seeds -
Mini Raised Bed, Liner And Cover
£47.85 at Ferndale Lodge -
Garland Plastic Raised Bed Kit With Frame
£29.99 at Unwins
looking good. what you thinking of growing?
19 Sep, 2008