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this palm i baught for a tenner last summer from focus and unlike the cordalines its thrived in the damp cool summer.doesnt figure lol.ill soon be getting the electrical tape on this the banana and a couple of others for winter

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I have the same one NP. Tough as old boots, I love it...Electrical Tape? I use the rubber that goes between the ghouse glass and fleece, never thought of tape ..

19 Sep, 2008


yes you literaly pull all the cleaves real close together round the bud and thats it.they can still photsynthasise to ,the tape stretches tite.they look better to.after 5 years you can just leave them

19 Sep, 2008


5 years, mines older I think. Id be to scared to leave it NP, id hate to loose it..

19 Sep, 2008


it would e ok but doont mend something that isnt broken

19 Sep, 2008

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