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blooming mid September

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Welcome to GoY.

22 Sep, 2008


hi wendy welcome to GOY

22 Sep, 2008


What is the correct pronunciation of this plant?
Is it tekko maria (like the female name)

Is it teeko maria (like the female name)

Or does it rhyme with Persicaria ?

sounding like teekomaria ,or tekkomaria?

Don't worry, Wendylillie,
my questions aren't usually this complicated. :o)

22 Sep, 2008


Welcome Wendylillie, this is gorgeous! Is it a climber? Love the trumpet flowers.

22 Sep, 2008


Beautiful! Welcome.

23 Sep, 2008


Hi Wendy.
I hope you enjoy GOY.
All the best, Hywel.

23 Sep, 2008


Thank you all for your warm welcome. I don't know the correct pronunciation but I call it (tekkomaria to rhyme persicaria) Terratoonie and no it is not a climber Janey but it is throwing out long shoots so might well cover a fence or similar quite quickly if tied in. I first saw it in Spain, where it was covering fences, when visiting my daughter who was living there at the time and brought home the cutting which had not grown a great deal until this year and has not flowered before.
I particularly enjoy a challenge and trying unusual plants from seed with varied success.

23 Sep, 2008


Hi there
it is gorgeous!
Apparently it is Tecomaria Capensis-Cape Honeysuckle-but reminds me of Aeschynanthus otherwise lipstick plant! which never stays in flower long enough,
are you growing it indoors?

23 Sep, 2008


Wendylillie :
Thanks for the pronunciation.
I shall say Tecomaria your way from now on. :o)

23 Sep, 2008


It is growing outside Arlene in a pot although I think success may be due to it rooting through the bottom. Agree flowers are a bit like lipstick plant I have had no success with Protea (seeds) either and My Strelitzia has never flowered as yet

24 Sep, 2008


hi Wendy
You may have to wrap it up particularly if it has it's roots outside and can'tbe moved We usually are quite mild here in Swansea but the temp went down to -6 last year..Perhaps we can do a cutting swap next year?
I think the Strelitzias have to reach a certain size before they flower,I have a couple of smallish ones and they haven't flowered either.
Best of luck with it!

24 Sep, 2008


This actually reminds me very much of a Bignonia i had in Spain. It was grown as a standard but left to its own devises would have been an arching shrub, a bit like a Plumbago. The orange flowers and leaves are nearly identical.

24 Sep, 2008



30 Sep, 2008


I will be posting more pictures soon. I am particularly pleased with Ginger Lily blooming now also Ornithogolum Arabica, Scadoxus and Eucharis. Thanks for warm welcome from you all. I also plan to add a link to my website which I am busy updating at the moment

30 Sep, 2008

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