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From loft

From loft

The geraniums center to watch from anywhere, and others, just enough space to descend the ladder.

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Wow. Must be a big watering job. It's such a different lifestyle having to bring them all inside ans so early.

29 Sep, 2008


I love watering, though I have to have ample time. I might get a little pump and hose. :-) Those little heliotrope blooms in the window have the whole upstairs smelling soooooo wonderful!

29 Sep, 2008


They all look so cosy and warm all waiting for the snowfall.

5 Oct, 2008


THey didn't wait long, we're blanketed. :-)

6 Oct, 2008


Must be great to be surrounded with all these growing things when it's Winter outside!

6 Oct, 2008


It's wonderful. I almost don't know its winter, except for the gray and white light coming through the

6 Oct, 2008


Wow, snow already Greenthumb!! Must be satisfying to know your plants are safe indoors though.

6 Oct, 2008


It is. Like living in my greenhouse.

7 Oct, 2008


Awww.... snow already... hope you get lots to protect your's all wrapped up by now I'm sure... we are getting our Indian Summer...but it won't be long till we're under the blanket of snow, too.

10 Oct, 2008


It was 0F yesterday and now raining! Weird. I wrapped the azalea's with plastic after stuffing them full of straw. Well see how we come out this spring. I've my fingers crossed.

11 Oct, 2008


Did you write "rain"? you're right...that is weird. kinda makes you worry..Have you watched the movie "The Day Before Yesterday"? not watching anymore movies like that!!!'s bad enough watching the real weather reports...LOL>.. What do you suppose the water will mean to the permafrost? I don't think it will hurt your azaleas, though.

18 Oct, 2008


Rain was quick, back to good old froze. 20F highs. Just gets darker now. :-)

18 Oct, 2008


Oh, permafrost really just needs early and heavy snow cover and no thaws to build back up. That hasn't come for years.

19 Oct, 2008

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