Taking a rest on the Yellow Brick Road
By David
- 2 Jan, 2008
Comments on this photo
You're not first to think that, Patrick, but no, there's almost 2 yrs difference in age. But they are extremely close and look out for one another, which is really really nice - until they decide to get up to no good, or conspire to get what they want from us. They actually should have been twins, we often think.
29 Jan, 2008
I love this photo and all the others of the kids, they look like they are having so much fun ! :-)
5 Feb, 2008
Hi Michelle! Yes, it was great to see them having good old simple fun, as well as painting and growing many of the plants (which they also enjoy).
5 Feb, 2008
Brilliant picture.
Even Toto is smiling.
I'm enjoying the whole story.
Thank you.
30 Sep, 2008
You're welcome, but it sounds as though you've gone "Toto"lly "barking" OTT, TT! HaHa, HeeHee!
1 Oct, 2008
I hope Toto has found a happy place in your new home.
Once you are settled in, a photo of a delirious Toto would be very much appreciated.
Though not a picture of him drinking a toast to your new home....
because I'm TT :o)
1 Oct, 2008
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This photo is of "A. Our "Wizard of Oz" Garden 2007" in David's garden
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Braw Bairns, are they twins
28 Jan, 2008