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Sabal 'Riverside' - Riverside Sabal

Sabal 'Riverside' - Riverside Sabal (Sabal 'Riverside' - Riverside Sabal)

This original palm was discovered many years ago growing in Riverside; a city about 50 miles east of Los Angeles, CA. This tree is thought to be a hybrid...however, it produces viable fruit which is very unusual for hybrids.

It is widely grown in California and is extremely hardy to cold.
It will tolerate temperatures down to around 14 degrees F. (-10 degrees C.)

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We are very luck in California to have access to many species of palms.
The International and local Southern California chapter of the Palm Society
is one of the reasons why we have so many species of palms introduced into California. Almost every year, I've heard there's about 20 - 40 new palm species being introduced...mostly from Madagascar and New Caledonia and South America.

18 Oct, 2008


I forgot to add that almost every year many species are being discovered in Madagascar...California is getting a huge influx of palm seeds. This is being done because of the quick deforestation of the Malagasy forest. The International palm society is trying to document and collect seeds of the trees before they go completely extinct.

18 Oct, 2008

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