By Telme8

23 Oct, 2008
Comments on this photo
No, is that the white Damask possibly crossed with an Alba? is it a particularly good one I have an Alberic Barbier which is a large flowered rambler, which I have grown from a cutting and only just coming into its own. I have not finished Catalogueing my roses in my garden file yet it all takes time, I did have about 130 different named roses, but some have given up the ghost over the years and some got so strong and savage for me in my old age!!!! that I have cut them back but love them all.
19 Nov, 2008
Yes it is a wonderfully scented, non repeat blooming rose...a damask crossed with either a Portland or an in June on old cane. been around since it has nothing to prove... I've been researching because I want to grow the old roses... I have a rugosa (I think) named Therese Bugnet ...the most wonderful scent and a repeat bloomer but the thorns are just vicious! It is so vigorous and grows woody over time...if I try to wring too many blooms out of it by deadheading the flowers get quite small by the end of the season...but still smell gorgeous.
19 Nov, 2008
Have you got Roseraie de L'Hay that is a fantastic old Rugosa rose cerise in colour, large blooms and the most wonderful scent very controlable it is very thorny but soft thorns not cruel and grows in a dense bush.and flowers all the season with very large hips, the only thing you will obviously get more flower if you remove the hips, so I tend to remove the early ones and leave the later ones for a late show.
19 Nov, 2008
I will certainly have to look for that one T8. it sounds like it might be hardy enough for my climate. thanks for the suggestion...would like a rose to harvest the hips for tea. I'm going to put in an apothecary rose..rose canina too perhaps... I have a miniature that my son's gave me for Mother's is so beautiful and hardy...I love it so much...had to transplant it this summer to make way for a fire lost it's leaves and looked droopy, so I poured the water to it...and rebounded beautifully and put out another flush of bloom and stayed in bloom til that awful snow. I have a pic of it on my pages.... sweet smell, tiny perfect, double, and a perpetual bloomer...even without the sentimental is just about perfect!
20 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of species Navada.
This photo is of "Rose Navada, Galica Rose" in Telme8's garden
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ahhh ...a rose gardener... I like the very old your Galica...Do you have a Mme.Hardy?
19 Nov, 2008