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Squirrel pretending to be soft toy keeping an eye on me!


By Arlene

Squirrel pretending to be soft toy keeping an eye on me!

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Bonkers has been photographing squirrels today.
This looks like it could be the missing Secret Agent Squirrel on deployment from Grenville's grotto. :o)

28 Oct, 2008


Arlene this shopping is getting out of hand....I cannot believe the things you are seeing.....

29 Oct, 2008


~ when we got to Wisley it was absolutely pouring so used the time to have a look around the garden shop and gift shop~ they had some really nice stuff in the gift shop but was really packed out ~ fantastic selection of books,wines and jams etc!!

29 Oct, 2008


Wisely must be a big center...

29 Oct, 2008


~ it is owned by the Royal Horticultural Society who do the big Flower shows like Chelsea and Hampton Court, they also do the seed and plant trials there and grow plants for sale in the shop.There are three other gardens ,Rosemoor,Harlow Carr and Hyde Hall but not been to them yet!They have a good website which has a lot of information on plants etc~ I am a member and get to go to the shows slightly cheaper and get into Wisley for free!~

30 Oct, 2008


If I just type in Wisely will I find it then?

30 Oct, 2008


~ hi Catfinch see below

30 Oct, 2008


Why is the squirrel clinging on to the horse's neck Arlene?????

22 Nov, 2008


`~this is to do with Bonkersbons squirrel blogs! it is actually hanging from the rail above!

22 Nov, 2008

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