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Acalypha wilkesiana 'Ragedy Ann"

Acalypha wilkesiana 'Ragedy Ann" (Acalypha wilkesiana 'Ragedy Ann")

Lacy leafed Acalypha with beautiful coloring in the leaves. Pic taken today at the S.D. Zoo.

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Beautiful colour.
I keep looking for zoo animals hiding in the undergrowth. :o)

29 Oct, 2008


pretty and I like the name too...

29 Oct, 2008


Terratoonie, on my next trip to the zoo, I'll take some pics of the animals.

30 Oct, 2008


Thank you. :o) :o) :o)

30 Oct, 2008


She is so totally thrilled...thank you for making her smile so big... :) Zebra's, Elephants, penguins and more Meerkats please....

30 Oct, 2008


Anytime! : )

1 Nov, 2008


I like this acalypha - haven't seen this one before.

8 Feb, 2009


It is common at most plant nurseries. It is a fairly new variety...maybe the last 10 years.

8 Feb, 2009


There's quite a few little spots in the driveway garden that need filling and I've been wondering what to plant - you've rekindled my interest in the acalyphas so I'm going to try to get as many different types as I can.

8 Feb, 2009



It sounds like a good plan. I know we have many dwarf forms available now.
They only grow to 1 meter / 3 feet tall. I have some posted in some of the San Diego Zoo photos.

8 Feb, 2009

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