Opuntia ficus-indica unknown variety - Tuna Cactus
By Delonix1

29 Oct, 2008
Tuna cactus is very common and considered native to California...even though they are really native to Mexico. The Tuna Cactus in this picture is pinkish-purple a variety I've never seen before and I've walked by this area hundreds of times. I'll have to ask one of the horticulturist at the San Diego Zoo to find out what variety this is...truly, a very unusual cactus.
Comments on this photo
I'm not sure how I missed this plant in the past.
No, I never wonder which plant I've missed because I always discover new plants every trip to the S.D. Zoo. I go almost every week to the zoo to walk for exercise. There's million of plants there...I could go everyday and not see all the interesting plants.
Yesterday's trip I discovered the Clusia rosea 'alba' (White Flowering Autograph Tree) and an interesting unusual Philodendron which I had never seen before. I couldn't take a picture of the Philodendron because of bad lighting. Hopefully, the next trip.
30 Oct, 2008
White Flowering Autograph Tree - sounds good :o)
30 Oct, 2008
Amazing colour.
How did you miss it previously?
Are you now wondering which other plants you've not noticed. :o)
29 Oct, 2008