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More Cacti

More Cacti

Various species of cacti.

Comments on this photo


o.m.g. thats truly awsome......

29 Oct, 2008



I'm glad you are enjoying my pics...I was hoping I wouldn't bore people with some of these pics.

29 Oct, 2008


no way. i love learning about plants from around the world.. from alaska, fiji, and all over america. but i will be jeaous of your sunshine in february when it gets realy cold here...

29 Oct, 2008


I'm hoping by February we will have some rain. We are in a horrible drought and we may be going on water rationing soon. We desperately need rain!

29 Oct, 2008


drought must be hard to cope with. i get my water from a well. two years ago we had a very hot summer and our water slowed down to a trickle..

29 Oct, 2008


That doesn't look real.
Amazing. :o)

29 Oct, 2008


Sandra, this current drought we've been in for 4 years. The last drought lasted 7 years. It is very difficult to have tropical plants that like lots of water and be in a drought. I water my plants almost twice a day especially with the heat-wave we've been having for the last month. Although, I just heard we may get some showers by this coming Sunday. I hope it happen!

30 Oct, 2008


That's amazing! Looks almost prehistoric.

2 Nov, 2008


What a neat looking cactus.

6 Nov, 2008


Thanks for all the comments!

The middle cactus is pretty amazing. I don't know the species though.
When I find out I will change the photo title.

6 Nov, 2008


Is this centre one a Cacuts or a succulent?

24 Nov, 2011

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