more cacti!
By Arlene

29 Oct, 2008
Comments on this photo
~ could have had lots of these but you can't have everything!~
3 Nov, 2008
I know - it's not fair, is it?
4 Nov, 2008
~definitely,definitely not! despite the fact that I am running out of room...!
4 Nov, 2008
I like the styrafoam. Good idea. Watch out for the Notocactus. Different names now adays. Pink spined ones third from the right. Only Cactus I lost from overwatering. Some need none during the winter at all. My lithops are one.l
I you have names, I would trade seeds. I have a couple hundred named varieties myself.
11 Dec, 2008
I will post a few to get you interested in a swap. :-)
Many orchid cacti as well.
11 Dec, 2008
Hi Herb
Unfortunately these are not mine.This was taken at Wisley Gardens and plant centre in the south of England.These are for sale in the shop.
It is run by the Royal Horticultural Society who run our big flower shows like Chelsea.The gardens themselves are lovely and I have pictures of the new glasshouse etc on my site.They also run seed and plant trials and award Certificates of merit for the best fruit,veg,flowers etc.They are also looking into what will survive increasingly different conditions because of climate change.
I do have some cacti but Hywel (Blodyn) who lives not far from me has a lot more.I do love Lithops but tend to lose them over the winter if not very careful,I would love to see some pictures of the flowering ones~they are so beautiful!
11 Dec, 2008
Yes, I understand about the Lithops. I am dealing with a major Arctic express. Worst outflow since the early 90s. An entire week where the high is at freezing or below. Lows are much worse.
Add snow and wind. This is supposed to last until next weekend. No forecast of course as to if it may be over or continue. I think I will buy bubble wrap and lay them over the cactus. I leaf mulched the bonsai and did the pipes.
I also have supplemental grow lights installed in the greenhouse.
Tomorrow, I buy more Kerosene and some gasoling for a friends generator.
He is very likely to lose power. I also stacked up the firewood for him. I now think he will need it.
12 Dec, 2008
I think I see a Mammilaria zeilmaniana!
5 Jan, 2009
Pictures by Arlene
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lovely collection of shapes and colours in this pic, Arlene.
3 Nov, 2008