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Holmskioldia - China Man's Hat

Holmskioldia - China Man's Hat

This is not the common species sanguinea. It has larger flowers...and this is the most it has bloomed at this time of the year ever...I think it's due to the protracted heat-wave we have been experiencing for the last month or so. This picture was taken 3 days ago.

Comments on this photo


What a lot of colour.
I looked this up on the internet and could see red blooms which are circular, and definitely the shape of a Chinese hat.
The flowers on your plant look, not only smaller, but a very different shape. Pretty, but not like a hat ! :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Lots of nice color for you to enjoy...

2 Nov, 2008


Beautiful plant

2 Nov, 2008


I love the colors in this..hats or not...gorgeous.

2 Nov, 2008



I have not seen this species on the is not the common circular has a triangular shape... the flowers look more like an old pirate's hat. I purchased this plant about 3 years ago at a specialty nursery in Northern San Diego County.

2 Nov, 2008


Thanks everyone for the comments.

2 Nov, 2008


Delonix1 ~
Maybe you could officially name this plant ~
~ Pirate's hat ~ :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Possibly a common name?

3 Nov, 2008

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