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BBC Gardeners' World camera man 29 October

BBC Gardeners' World camera man 29 October

He was delighted to get shots of snow on autumn leaves

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It's always nice when you see all your hard word being appreciated by someone else....

2 Nov, 2008


I guess if you'd known that the camera man was going to be so delighted with the snow, you'd have collected more in your wheelbarrow from your neighbours' gardens. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Too many weeds next door! We are trecking them into our garden on the mud on our boots.

We are now thinking that we won't have a holiday away in December. A whole year without a holiday away - the furthest we've been is Biddulph Grange gardens just 50 miles away! Who needs a holiday when you're having so much fun!

We're thinking of having 15 cu metres of forest bark delivered, and planting 3000 snowdrops - could be another filming session!

2 Nov, 2008


Snowdrops ?

Thought you might be steering clear of anything connected with snow.

Yes, who needs a holiday when you're having so much fun. I've been saying that for 20 years now, because I always get so involved in the summer charity dog shows.!

Check on the snow forecast before ordering the bark.
Don't want an avalanche. :o)

2 Nov, 2008

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