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camera monitor

camera monitor

This is a monitor that is attached to the camera. Each time the crew come they have sheets of acetate that have outlines drawn on them of what the camera sees. They then line up the view to match and take the photo - through the seasons.

We have had problems working out where the feet of the tripod should be - but have solved this by us taking a photograph of the feet on the crazy paving - and then the crew line the tripod up with the mortar lines of the york stone!

In the grass, we tried putting metal tent pegs and using a metal detector to locate them - but the damp grass confused it and it picked up noise all over the place. We have now put plastic pegs (used for ground sheets) but they are still difficult to locate and involve lots of scrabbling around on wet grass.

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Oh, what a pretty spot they are set up in...

2 Nov, 2008


It's a lot of work but I hope it's worth it.

2 Nov, 2008


A good thing the crazy paving wasn't snow-covered ~
That would have fooled the tripod and its feet. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Perhaps we'd better invest in a blow torch!

2 Nov, 2008


Blow-torch which straps on the head.
We may as well also earn commission on that invention. :o)

2 Nov, 2008


Have to remember not to face people when we're talking to them!

2 Nov, 2008

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