Closer pic of Praying Mantis
By Janey

2 Nov, 2008
Sometimes I felt I was almost tresspassing on the habitation of these creatures!
Comments on this photo
I would feel the same and need to have conversations with them..."excuse me Mable, oh George didn't see you there...happy day!"...
2 Nov, 2008
Alien looking - great pic is he yours ?
2 Nov, 2008
Scary but spectacular :o)
2 Nov, 2008
wow excellent photo
2 Nov, 2008
We lived in his garden BB lol.
Ha....ha Catfinch, that is how it was, he had a great face and would swivel his head only to look at you! If I went down to the pond I would excuse myself between the bees having a drink and keep fishing ones out that had fallen in,
how sad is that!!
2 Nov, 2008
Brilliant photo Janey .!
4 Nov, 2008
Thanks Amy, these are good for your sister's garden, eating the flies and mosquitos etc., unless she grows green beans that is lol :o)
4 Nov, 2008
hummm the picture is nice but... it gives me shivers...
we have a supersticion here...
can't like them at all... would rather meet a spider or a snake
11 Nov, 2008
Awesome close-up Janey, bet hubby would cringe at the thought of picking this one up, hehehe..., just look at those huge spikes on it's forearms....
12 Nov, 2008
Wow! Excellent shot Janey. Great detail!
19 Nov, 2008
Janey this is an awesome shot! look so sweet....nice to meet you
17 Dec, 2008
ooops not saying you look like the bug...........LOL...think you used to me by now>>>
17 Dec, 2008
Hi S woman......thanks for that.......well....I am sweet!! lol
17 Dec, 2008
Don't let er fool ya SW..this gal is a prayin mantis if I ever saw not...I repeat do not let her fool ya....she is a witch..a Diva witch at that and she will throw you in a castle dungeon and throw way the keys at a drop of the hat and fly off chucklin on her broom partyin it up with me and is not sweet...repeat she is not sweet.....Janey..why did you let her think you are sweet?
Witches are not Sweet....gonna make me and Gilli look bad! Ruin our reputations...gargh...
18 Dec, 2008
Need to trap her into my spiders web Cat..........down in the depths of the dungeons!!!!
Hope all went okay for you on Monday Cat.....what do you think will be the outcome?? Gf is being very why's that...lots to think about :o)
18 Dec, 2008
SW...if you are ever gonna fight back you'd better get started before she begins casting her spells....she captured
GF once all by herself...and I finally had to have pity on the poor thing and rescue him...I think nothing came of it yet...will see if it came out in the paper snowed in and had to spend the whole afternoon on the web with GF...gosh in the snow and him and I having lunch over our web cams...on into the evening his fire and oh well..I will just let you use your witchy imagination....LOL...heeee...hehehe....he's been busy...LOL...
18 Dec, 2008
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Great close up Janey
2 Nov, 2008