Lantana camara 'pink' - Lantana
By Delonix1

3 Nov, 2008
This Lantana pops up all over my yard. I let this one grow though...I think this has a little bit of yellow in the flower. It could have hybridized naturally with a yellow Lantana.
Comments on this photo
It is a shrub. And I know why they pop up all over the neighborhood.
There are many plants around the area, however, a couple house down the street is an apartment complex where there's an absolutely huge pink Lantana. It must be about 15 feet tall and around 20 feet is the largest Lantana I've ever seen. The birds spread the seeds everywhere.
I may get a picture of this huge Lantana to show I'm not exaggerating the size of this Lantana. They normally don't grow this large...usually only 6 to 9 feet tops.
3 Nov, 2008
Interesting that you should say that TT as Napoleon's mum, Rosanna, has three or four of these growing spontaneously in her pots and even tho' they look the same, each plant is a different mixture of the common yellow coupled with degreeing shades of pink, ranging from red to magenta - she reckons the birds may have mixed up the seeds!! They all have those big blackberry juicy looking fruits.
3 Nov, 2008
Terry60 ~
If not too much trouble, I would be interested to see photos of those varying shades of Lantana in Napoleon's Mum's pots. Thanks.
3 Nov, 2008
No truoble at all TT - it may be too dark when I get home in the evenings so it may have to be at the weekend
3 Nov, 2008
Thanks - no pressure !
I find the variety of colours in the Lantana very interesting and attractive.:o)
Don't think they would survive in my garden as it would get too cold, and I don't have a greenhouse.
3 Nov, 2008
You're right Terratoonie, I hadn't seen these yet!
3 Nov, 2008
You got there before me.
I was just checking this for you ! :o)
Notice above Delonix1 says he is soon going to photograph a huge Lantana.
3 Nov, 2008
I would love to have something like this popping up and choosing only one to keep...goodnes...they are very pretty.
3 Nov, 2008
I was noticing today how many of my neighbors have this plant in their is quite a few. My three neighbors across the street have the common orange-colored Lantana...the flowers look very closely to marigold flowers.
Lantana is available in many, yellow, purple and pink are the most common though. And of course, they naturally hybridize since so many plant colors are grown so closely together...then the birds eat the berries and the rest is history. LOL.
4 Nov, 2008
If you had many of these plants popping up in your would want to pull at least some out. These plants are pretty, however, they have small spines all over the branches and small stem and even the leaves are rough.
4 Nov, 2008
Fickle then aren't they..inviting you in with all their pretty color and then chasing you off with their stickery parts...
4 Nov, 2008
Delonix, what is the other plant in the pic? The leaves look similar to a plant that grows wild on the side of my house. The one I have gets tiny yellow flowers close to the base of the plant.
6 Nov, 2008
The plant with the large leaves is Palm Grass (Curculigo capitulata). They do have small yellow flowers at the base of the leaves. It is a very pretty plant, however, I don't dare put it into the ground for fear it would be difficult to contain. I have seen them in areas...and they appear to spread easily.
I may be wrong...but for now, it stays in the pot.
What is your experience with this plant?
6 Nov, 2008
It sounds like the same plant. I have a pic of one of mine that I'll post up soon. They do seem to spread, but not too quickly. There are some of these plants in my front bed. We pulled out several baby plants when we re-mulched the bed, but they hadn't taken over.
My side yard is kind of wild, and these are prolific there. But they make a nice foliage plant and don't seem to get very large. I would rather have them growing there than elephant ears. I still haven't been here long, and these were one of the mystery plants that was here already.
7 Nov, 2008
Thanks for the ID Delonix, I posed up a pick of one of the ones in the front bed on my page.
10 Nov, 2008
You're welcome. I'll check out you pic.
Take care!
11 Nov, 2008
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Is this a bush?
How tall does it grow?
The flowers are very pretty.
Interesting that you think it naturally hybridized to get that colour mix.:o)
3 Nov, 2008