Carica papaya - Mexican Papaya
By Delonix1

3 Nov, 2008
My Mexican Papayas...I hope they ripen soon, I feel like eating some fresh papayas. LOL.
This is 1 of 6 plants I have in my yard. One should always plant at least 3 to 5 papaya plants to ensure fruit production. They are
dioecious herbs meaning they have male and female plants...the female or bisexual plants only produce fruit.
Comments on this photo
hummmm .... they look more like "formosa" comparing the shape and size of the fruits and to the leaves....
but what in a heck do I know about plants.. nothing!
11 Nov, 2008
My large papaya plants are 5 years old...that's old for a papaya plant.
I'm not sure what variety of Mexican Papaya this is...however, in the past I've had fruits as large as 18 inches (46 cm) long. As the plants get older, the fruits get smaller and the plants decline quickly.
As a rule, papaya plants should be replaced every 3 or 4 years...they decline very quickly and don't produce much fruit after this age.
I have many seedlings of Carica papaya 'Maradol' (Mexican 'Maradol') which will go in the ground in Spring.
11 Nov, 2008
Oh you all have to forgive me... I was again tricked by my English...
we have different names for the fruit...
the genero Carica... we call "mamão"... which have different types... papaia, formosa, ababaia (more common in Bahia), etc.
the papaia is the size of a hand or smaller and has a longer shape... its papaina (latex) its stronger...
yours looks more closer to the "formosa", bigger and wider than longer, which latex its lighter
sorry for my mistake :o(
12 Nov, 2008
Não é um problema! There are so many species and varieties of Papaya it's unbelievable. Muito obrigado for the comments and information!
13 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of species Papaya carica - Mexican Papaya.
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I always wondered what a papaya plant looked like ...quite interesting...
3 Nov, 2008