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Photinia 'Pallette' ???


By Sid

Photinia 'Pallette' ???

This is for Spritzhenry - does it look familier?

This was taken in the summer - lots of new growth.

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That's very attractive. :o)

8 Nov, 2008


My first thought was a 'No', Sid - but I can't be certain, as it does have similarities. Both of mine have a lot more variegation and cream in them. Sorry not to be definite.

I have just looked back at one of the photos I took of the whole shrub - take a look on the 'garden' page of my bit of the site. There are three photos and one shows one of my two shrubs quite well, recently. Somewhere there's another I took of the second one earlier in the year. I'll try to locate it.

8 Nov, 2008


It looks a bit like my Photinia Red Robin, although mine is now a tree!

9 Nov, 2008


Hi Sarah, Just been looking through my encyclopedia and found reference to P.villosa. acording to info, this one is a spreading deciduous tree, sometime shrubby, with elliptic to obovate dark green leaves, to 7cm long, bronze when young, turning orange and red in autumn. small white flowers in flattened, corymb-like panicles, 4cm across during spring,- sometimes followed by ovoid red fruit. does this sound like it?

10 Nov, 2008


That sounds much more like it, from what I've seen, Angie! You may have cracked it!

10 Nov, 2008


Hello ladies - I've just googled P. villosa. Have a look at for pictures. The flowers look the same, but I dont think the leaves are very similar.....they appear toothed, which I don't think mine are......

11 Nov, 2008


Hi Sarah, just been having another look, there is a small picture in my book, which does'nt look toothed, but hard to say for sure as it is not very clear. there is no reference to toothed edges in the discription, which there would normally be in this book. but i have also found another one you could check out. P.beauverdiana, is deciduous and turns red in autumn, with white flowers in spring. and acording to this book there are over 60 different species of Photinia some evergreen some deciduous. but they are not all listed. but i think we are on the right track with Photinia, just a matter of pinning down the spec. maybe try googling Photinia and see what else comes up. good luck i hope you find it, it is so anoying when you can't find a plant you are looking for!

11 Nov, 2008


Sarah also needs to know if her shrub is MEANT to be deciduous, doesn't she! I'm sure it is a Photinia of some sort.

11 Nov, 2008


Oh dear, sorry to keep shooting you down Ang! But I don't think it is that plant. I found pictures on and again I think the leaves are toothed - the leaves on mine are perfectly striaght and are also smooth and glossy. I agree there are loads of different Photinias - I found a site with a list as long as my arm! I bet my plant is one of them tho!?

Barbara - I am 90 percent sure my plant is deciduous - everything about it looks healthy - if was dropping leaves because there was something wrong I think there would be other symptoms like dead buds or dieback on the stems, which there is none.

Thanks both for your continued efforts!

11 Nov, 2008


your welcome, hope you get to the bottom of it Sarah, and yes Spritz we do need to work that part out first, lol but from what i have been reading it seems that there are quite a few that are deciduous, that have red colouring this time of year, bronze coloured new growth and white flowers, which all sounds like Sarahs plant. - so i think it does look quite positive. the evergreen ones tend to be red on the new growth instead, and the flowers are more on the pink/red spectrum. -generally speaking of course!

12 Nov, 2008


Could it be Photinia 'Sid' ~
a new, rare variety ?

12 Nov, 2008


Ah now that would be something, TT! x-D

12 Nov, 2008


Looks like you have a variety called Photinia x fraseri 'Pink Marble'. Google it and see what you think. There is a great picture of one on a garden website called dave's garden.

16 Nov, 2008


Thanks for that F1, but I've had a look at the picture and it's got far more variegation than my plant and looks to have a thin line of variegation around the edges of all the leaves - which mine doesn't - and this one also appears generally 'pinker' than mine. Thanks for the suggestion, but alas I think the hunt goes on....... I'm rather hoping it can just be Photinia 'Sid' the rare and wondrous..... x-D

17 Nov, 2008


Update on Photinia 'Sid'....

Just thought I'd leave a note to say that dispite having sworn blind this shrub was deciduous in the autumn when it all turned red and quite a few leaves DID drop off, I now have to do a U-turn and admit that in still has most of its leaves! Therefore, I must admit that this shrub is NOT deciduous, it is evergreen! Sorry folks..............

18 Feb, 2009


How interesting, Sid! It's still a mystery, though...

18 Feb, 2009


Surely this is Photinia davidiana 'Pallette' ? It is different from Sprtz.'s plant because it is in a pot and possibly a bit starved? hence the leaf drop. It used to be called Stranvaesia davidiana 'Pallete' before it got shuffled into Photina.

15 Jun, 2009

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