The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Ravenala madagascariensis - Traveler's Palm

Ravenala madagascariensis - Traveler's Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis - Traveler's Palm)

This plant resemble the Giant Bird of Paradise plant because it's in the same family Strelitziaceae. However, the leaves and petioles are much larger and the plant can ultimately reach more than 100 feet tall...however, 30 to 40 feet is usually its limit in cultivation.

Comments on this photo


that looks great

9 Nov, 2008


It does look great, so does all the sunshine.

9 Nov, 2008


Clarice ~
you're not enjoying the winter weather today, are you. Lol.
Lucky we have Delonix1 sending us sunny photos.
I agree, this one is wonderful. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


Terratoonie, Clarice,

The last few days it has been from 80 - 88 degrees F. and today our weather has actually taken a's only about 70 degrees F.( 21 degrees C.) and partly cloudy with winds gusting up to 35 mph ( 56 km per hour). What a difference a day makes!

9 Nov, 2008


It's called traveler's palm, because the petioles attached to the trunk collect water. I've read that travelers in Madagascar would stop and drink the water from the cup-type petioles.

It is not a palm though, it is related to the Giant Bird of Paradise (Strelitziaceae family). It looks very similar also.

11 Nov, 2008

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Ravenala madagascariensis - Traveler's Palm.

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