Primula auricula 2
By Andrewr
- 9 Nov, 2008
Can someone please tell this plant it's not spring yet? Picture taken 9th November
Comments on this photo
thats a beautiful Primula
9 Nov, 2008
Now I'd love to grow these but they always die with me.
9 Nov, 2008
S-h-h-h! Don't tell the flower...she might up and wilt away...
9 Nov, 2008
Thats lovely Andrew
9 Nov, 2008
I so love your Auricula Andrew and even though not Spring a real pleasure.
10 Nov, 2008
Nice close up Andrew. Very pretty :)
10 Nov, 2008
hummm... well Andrew, maybe she is thinking about to move here...
it is spring here :o)
I'd be glad to have it here ...
15 Nov, 2008
I had delphiniums reblooming...and my Madonna Lilies rebloomed...and my aconite was verrry late... and miniature roses bloomed to the killing frost... a lovely little renaissance in late October...the delphs did that last autumn and I was worried that they would be depleated and as a result I would have a weakened plant or they would not come up at all....happy to say that was not the case...the delphs seem happiest in the cool weather anyway...and they seemed to be sturdier and healthier this past season too. will you remove these blossoms? when will your killing frost arrive?
16 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of "Primula auricula" in Andrewr's garden
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It's certainly not spring weather in my gardens today :o(
Pretty Primula auricula. :o)
9 Nov, 2008