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FLOWER POT PEOPLE NURSERY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in Cow Watering Lane ~ Our GoY Wellie Olympic Team is under threat !

FLOWER POT PEOPLE NURSERY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in Cow Watering Lane ~ Our GoY Wellie Olympic Team is under threat !

Latest discovery ~ The Flower Pot People are breeding inside Captain Grenville's Secret Training HQ.
Recent paparazzi picture of the nursery.

Comments on this photo


I like the one where it's fallen right over her head. lol

Well I just had to add it to my favs. I can look at it for a laugh.

9 Nov, 2008


Hi Hywel ~
Glad to know it is on your favourites. Watch it ~ those Flower Pot People are breeding ~ there might be twice as many people on the photo next time you look. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


LOL. I need a laugh in this weather today.

9 Nov, 2008


lmao TT this is Halairiuos :D i sat here drinking My cupa T & nearly Choked when i saw this pic come up on screen lol :)

9 Nov, 2008


Jacque ~
Please don't choke. We might need your help in stopping these sneaky Flower Pot People from multiplying. ! ! !

9 Nov, 2008


il do my best TT :D hows little Bonsia ?

9 Nov, 2008


Jacque ~
Thanks for asking. I hope Summer is okay. Bonsai still has a good quality of life. Taking it a day at a time. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


Hywel, the one with the pot over the head is probably a famous person who wishes not to be identified...TT...this is hilarious....I always wondered what these flower pot people looked like....

9 Nov, 2008


Skippy ~
These are just the youngsters.
What on earth will the adults look like? :o)
There are a few examples of grown-up Flower Pot People on my fav. photos by Peter and Arlene.
The 'famous' one in my photo has yet to be revealed.
Who do you think it might be ?

9 Nov, 2008


Fun photo TT lol

9 Nov, 2008


Janette ~
I've just received a message from the Flower Pot People ~

9 Nov, 2008


ONLY if they they are good at hopping lol This crew all have two legs ......

9 Nov, 2008


OMG! This has an air of Children of the "Corn" to it. Robotic pothead, sweet, innocent-looking kids with elimination in mind! This far supercedes germ warfare and testing on animals!

How, on earth, can we "weed" out those flower-pot men, and ladies? (Only a guess, as observation-based assessment only. Crossed/uncrossed legs, and strategically placed leaves and hats).

I have been forced to add this to my faves, too, lol!

9 Nov, 2008


Good to know this picture is on members' favourites so that we can all keep an eye on the dreaded breeding programme of the Flower Pot People.
David ~
furry Toto might need to come out of the packing case to help with guard duties. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


TT! I shall release him at the earliest oppportunity! He will come out barking mad(ly), no doubt. that may be enough to scare the pots off 'em!

9 Nov, 2008


Please post here when furry Toto is available for guard duty, so that we can all check out the photo. Maybe Eilidh can lend a doll and flowerpot to prove that Toto is able to take prisoners. :o)

9 Nov, 2008


Security alert ~
David ~ please confirm your chosen event in the GoY Wellie Olympics because the following information is for GoY Wellie Olympians only
[ on a need-to-know basis ] ~
There are male and female Flowerpot People.
Male Flower Pot People are usually known by code names Bill and Ben.
Please report any further sightings of these ~
or the dreaded Fancy Dress Gnomes. :o(

9 Nov, 2008


Once again, have made me laugh so much!
Just put some clothing on those little ones in the front :P...
Or at least cover them with a few leaves!

9 Nov, 2008


It seems the young Flower Pot People
need the tlc of Newfie Nurse.
Do you have the experience to supervise these young hybrids with their potty training ? :o)

9 Nov, 2008


~think that is fabulous TT~
`~these are all from that film Village of the Damned!~

9 Nov, 2008


Hello Arlene ~
Maybe they were movie 'extras' who escaped and turned into hybrids.:o)

9 Nov, 2008


They made me think of Chucky!
But I would be more than happy to put them on a schedule, to help them with their "potty training" :P...

9 Nov, 2008


Code alert TOTO!

Beware those innocent-looking flowerpots - they are, en efait, les machines de brainwashing, a la Dr Who! Village of the Damned? Thank the Lord we got out of there and moved downtown! As for Eilidh's hairy pots, hmmm....not sure that they are robotic enough! May need some upgrading to "Braveheart" mix of centuries make-up, and movie-style licence, to really have effect! Love your potty-training train of thought, Newfie, btw!

10 Nov, 2008


LOL..this is so funny!!! Innocent young Flower Pot People!!! I can send up some grass skirts for them if you like!!! :-) I've added this to my favourite!!!

10 Nov, 2008


Panther ~
Good idea ! Grass skirts would be ideal for these young Flower Pot People, especially while they undergo potty training with Newfienurse.

And which is your Wellie Sport Panther ? Ten pin bowling using a coconut?

What wonderful Wellie Olympians you are !
Teaming together to combat our rivals.
Furry Toto is on his way to protect us all. :o)

10 Nov, 2008


Excellent photo my favourites too.

The one in disguise is rather slender looking...could it be Lara Croft? the all action heroine...we could be in trouble if it is...

10 Nov, 2008


Pottygardener ~
You're right. Slender one looks more all-action-heroine than Barbie. :o)
David is releasing furry Toto even as we speak.
Will Toto be a match for Lara Croft ???

10 Nov, 2008


They reminded me of the music group from the eighties...Devo, lol!

10 Nov, 2008


Tasteyg ~
That's really interesting. I'd not heard of Devo before, so I looked up on Wikipedia ~ photo of a man with flower pot type thing on his head! Lol.
Thanks for mentioning that. :o)

10 Nov, 2008


I just sent you a reply about Devo. I was surprised that you had heard of them...Good old Wikipedia!!! LOL Whip it good! lol

10 Nov, 2008


UPDATE ...GMT 23.49 11.10.2008.

Furry Toto has gone into hiding, as he fears the worst! Have uploaded his hardened sibling, the concrete Toto, in reserve! I fear that the furry sibling has gone into hiding, but will flush him out, no doubt!

The concrete Toto may be a "hard nut" to crack, as far as those squirrels are concerned, but he has a soft centre for chocolate, and am sure that he will come up truffles (oops, er, I mean trumphs)! :-)


11 Nov, 2008


Added to my favourites Terratooine

11 Nov, 2008


Hi Aleyna ~
I'm really pleased you like this.
You have a good sense of humour and you join in well with all the fun :o)

11 Nov, 2008


Kind of you Terratooine, sometimes i plan to say one thing and it comes out something else, I have to be carefull.
As grandma used to say .. no fleas come into a "shut" mouth :o)
I rather restringe my comments to avoid mistakes .... hehehe

11 Nov, 2008


Fascinating you say that Aleyna because Skippy in Arizona sometimes worries whether a phrase which is amusing in the USA has the same meaning in the UK . Lol.

11 Nov, 2008


David ~
Your Toto search is " Toto " lly commendable, but furry Toto MUST be found to guard us all.
The Flower Pot People are spreading into the homes of many GoY Olympians. Check out Jacque's two latest greenhouse photos for confirmation. This foolhardy Flower Pot Person floated in during recent floods. We don't want them sabotaging our swimming and diving events.

Furry Toto where are you ? Are you with Cluelesskev ??

11 Nov, 2008


I'm beginning to think so, TT. I can send in the Tin Man meantime if you like. Lion is too scared to come out of hiding in the loft, though!

11 Nov, 2008


I'll start a search for furry Toto.
Such an important character in your life must not be lost. :o)

11 Nov, 2008


Yes T.T, I would much prefer to stick to pin bowling using a coconut for the Wellie Sports! So its going to be an order of 10 grass skirts and 10 coconut shells as standby helmets for The Flower Pot People or for the otherwise!!!LOL. Can Newfienurse be given a holiday down here in the islands before she takes up the challenge in the pottie training task for the Flower Pot Team??? :-) I can always lend a hand in helping her too!!LOL

11 Nov, 2008


Panther ~ Great idea !
The coconut shells for head protection !
And ten cute grass skirts. :o)
I've made a note of your chosen sport and I'll announce it over on my Wellie blog.:o) You will be a gold medal winner in coconut pin bowling. Lol.
I bet Newfienurse will grab at the chance of a holiday in Fiji.
She's been working long hours, so potty-training in the sun will seem like a relaxing vacation. :o)
Please check out my Wellie blog later to accept your invitation to join the Wellie team. Lol.

11 Nov, 2008


this is fantastic so cute

11 Nov, 2008


Milky ~
Glad you like this.
But ~ beware ~
Check out the Flower Pot Toddler alert just sent to you from Jacque's blog. !!!

11 Nov, 2008


How did I miss this ........... it must go on my favourite as well , I will definitely be keeping an eye out for any Flower Pot Toddlers in my Greenhouse , we have a nursery for young toddlers up the road I think I should go to check it out for copy cats babys sneaking into human homes ,..

12 Nov, 2008


Amy ~
GoY Wellie Olympic athletes are proud of you for keeping an eye out for new sightings ~
It's no wonder you missed this earlier. You've been busy checking out your greenhouse and other gardening venues where Flower Pot People like to lurk. But have you looked in your airing cupboard recently ?
I've heard there's a Flower Pot Toddler hiding in there with your pretty pussycat, Marmalade !

12 Nov, 2008


Check my latest pic. TT this is a much bigger problem than you think !!!

12 Nov, 2008


Amy ~ I checked this out.
Thank you.
A whole army of Flower Pot People, posing as scarecrows.
I wonder if there will be more sightings.
Or is the situation now under control ? :o)

12 Nov, 2008


Hi TT - are you missing anything? I was clearing up the leaves in my garden and found some very familiar looking Flower Pot People in my wheelbarrow. Not sure how they got there - I wonder if they were blown in on the wind? If they are not yours, they are certainly clones although they seem to have found some underwear (probably stopped off at M&S on the way across country). Mind you, it has been chilly to be going around without BLOOMERS (how about that for a gardening link?) Have posted a photo so you can help identify the interlopers.

12 Nov, 2008


BLOOMING terrible if you've spotted more of these fast breeders. :o)
I'll hop across and check it out.
Do you think M&S or Matalan ?
We must be aware of their fashion sense, so that our Olympic team outfits are smarter than theirs....

12 Nov, 2008


I think it,s under control TT... The gates have been closed They find it almost impossible to climb walls , there are security cameras everywhere ! ....... we willl call for backup if need be !!!

12 Nov, 2008


Amy and all Fellow Olympians ~
Please check out Sid's latest blog.
The FlowerPot People problems might be worse than you imagine.!!!

12 Nov, 2008


Here's a little fun game ~
Do you know which GoY member was the very first to upload
a picture of a Flower Pot Person ???
The answer might surprise you !
~~~ Look at my favourite photos for the answer.
It was back in July 2007.
Let's all give that photo comments and likes. Lol. ~~~
After all, it was the VERY FIRST SIGHTING. :o) :o) :o)

13 Nov, 2008


Haha, TT!

This must, indeed, be one of the first pics of an alien lifeform to be posted on GOY!

Darth Vader in disguise as a femme fatale - who may be alikened to the deadly Black Widow! BEWARE, everyone! The "host" is among us!

13 Nov, 2008


David ~ you found the photo. Well done!

Clue for those whose computers scroll down slowly ~
The answer is in the top row of my favourite photos. :o)

13 Nov, 2008


Oh, thought it was Peter....der d; p

13 Nov, 2008


Did you find it Ams ?
Was it good enough for a Like or a Comment ???

13 Nov, 2008


Sorted TT, it all came flooding back.

13 Nov, 2008


Well done Ams.
And I see Terry60 has found it too. :o)

13 Nov, 2008


Terra – Is the famous one incognito Dennis, Beattrix or Harry Potter? Aternanthera if it is a spy who loved me it could be Barbara Bach.

13 Nov, 2008


Stephan ~
Please see Gee19's photo entitled
This explains all.
Look at the central flower pot on her picture.
Listen very carefully I will say this only twice :
The eyes are on the spies.
The eyes are on the spies.

13 Nov, 2008


Special message from Sid.
Please see my Grenville Nurseries photo for
further Top Secret details. :o)

13 Nov, 2008


TT did you see the latest flower pot baby in the new tree that I bought yesterday in my pic. I can,t get it down , It has started to throw things at me ..... Heeeelp ..............

14 Nov, 2008


Amy ~ That's a super new tree.
Thanks for alerting me.
It seems the Flower Pot Toddlers have now invaded the nurseries and garden centres.
When you buy a plant, you get a Flower Pot Person for free.
The GoY Wellie Olympians must step up their defences. :o)

14 Nov, 2008


Great photo! Though I think anyone new to this site must be wondering about the sanity of the people on here!

15 Nov, 2008


Interesting, though, that GoY members stay,
whereas other forums seem to quite quickly lose their members.
Peter and Ajay are obviously doing everything RIGHT. :o)

So glad you like the photo.
Not easy getting this picture because the Flower Pot Toddlers were very naughty and kept on fidgetting. :o)

15 Nov, 2008


Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh. They're everywhere!!!

18 Nov, 2008


They're heading to Canada.
Watch out......... :o)

18 Nov, 2008


I don't think they'll stay very long unless they put some clothes on. There will be little Flower Pot People with frostbite everywhere.

19 Nov, 2008


You are too funny girl.

4 Dec, 2008


Rob ~
If you like this one, then you might also be interested in the next two photos ~ Cory got there first on MR CLAPTRAP, but you could be ahead of her on FURRY TOTO. Lol. :o)

4 Dec, 2008


Thanks I well have a look; I just had to comment on the Pot Heads I guess I can relate in one time of my life. lol

5 Dec, 2008


Rob ~
Have those pesky Flower Pot People reached Alberta yet ?
Gilli found them indoors behind her potted plants, so maybe you should take a closer look around The Estates.
Have your camera switched on ready. :o)

6 Dec, 2008


Well if they do reach here I hope they are smart enough. The last time pot heads tried to enter Alberta the Traffic sign on highway just outside city limits stumped them. It read Edmonton next right and below that it read Calgary left. So they turned around and went back to where they came from.

It's a joke LEFT, GONE, BYE BYE.

6 Dec, 2008


Don't be too sure...
There's a Flower Pot Person lurking in The Great Room at The Estates...
just behind the pink sofa.....

6 Dec, 2008


You got one of those spy cams set up in here somewhere or does each pothead come with its own cam? I would have the colour adjusted on that cam, it's not pink it is a deep red wine colour. Pink YUK!

6 Dec, 2008


Maybe the Flower Pot People turned the sofa pink to confuse Pink floyd :o)
There's a Flower Pot Toddler gone missing from the photo up there.
She's gone to Alberta - watch out. :o)

6 Dec, 2008


My second Toto blog is now on GoY :o)

18 Dec, 2008



27 Dec, 2013

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