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not everyones fav birds


By Irish

not everyones fav birds

i have a soft spot for these two who nest every yr in the garden

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Nice to have a pair of your

11 Nov, 2008


OOOOOOOOoooo i just asked if the Nest was in your Garden Eileen lol :) I like 2 see Magpies 2 :) i only get the 1 come to my garden :)

11 Nov, 2008


these have been coming here every yr for the passed 14 yrs ,,,, lol i doubt its the original pair but maybe its their off spring

11 Nov, 2008


Well i think its great they come 2 your Tree Nest :)

11 Nov, 2008


i think so too jacque

11 Nov, 2008


I know they are not liked by everyone but you cannot get away from their beauty.

11 Nov, 2008


yep and how extremely clever they are

11 Nov, 2008


Funny you should say that, I was watching a magpie the other day through the binoculas. He was taking peanuts (a whole row in his beak) going over to the lawn, burying them, going back, getting the nuts etc. Just hope he can remember where they are for later.

11 Nov, 2008


lol maybe he drew a map of his buried treasure

11 Nov, 2008


U might get a Peanut tree grow Dawn if he does forget lol :) u must post a pic of that :)

11 Nov, 2008


I wil Jacque, if "I" can remember where he put them.

11 Nov, 2008


O Dawn lol :D

11 Nov, 2008


I love Magpies...we do not have them here..they are on the east side of the mountain though and I love seeing them there when I go over to visit.

13 Nov, 2008


good to hear that other people like these birds, i thought maybe id be the only one lol

13 Nov, 2008


Enjoying the sunshine.good photo Irish

14 Nov, 2008


I think our squirrels would steal the peanuts , they would be gone when the Magpie came back for them ...........

It,s nice that they come back every year , shows they feel safe there :0)

14 Nov, 2008


thanks Deida

14 Nov, 2008


we dont get any squirrels in this garden Amy so the nuts are safe here for the birds

14 Nov, 2008


I see Irish that you have photographic identification of the hedgehog attackers, being as you are so fond of your magpies as well as your hedgehog I hope my explanation was right!! and they do not get accused of being murderers!

15 Nov, 2008


thanks Telme lol.
ill let you know if i see it happening again

15 Nov, 2008

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