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Cyrtostachys renda - Lipstick Palm


By Panther

Cyrtostachys renda - Lipstick Palm

Am not too sure of its botanical name, but is known here as a Red Palm.

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Cyrtostachys renda - Lipstick Palm - I'm so envious! LOL. I wish I could grow this palm in San Diego, however, it definitely cannot be grown here...I can say this with certainty. The only state in the U.S. where it will grow well is Hawaii. Lipstick Palm is in the top 5 tenderest palms in the World. I've read it may die if the temperature goes below 65 dgrees (19 degrees C.) or be cold damaged.

15 Nov, 2008


Thank Delonix1. I have this in a big pot and never will let it out of my sight as it is also a very expensive selling plant here. Thanks again.

15 Nov, 2008



About 10 years ago you could buy a 5 gallon plant for around 25 dollar; they were being brought into the California plant trade by the thousands from Hawaii...however, they DID NOT make a good house plant. They needed too much sun, warmth and humidity. They are rarely, if ever, available at home improvement centers or nurseries...except for specialty palm nurseries. They're very difficult to grow here. They will only grow well in a heated humid greenhouse.

16 Nov, 2008


Very interesting, you are right they are never used as house plants here either, but are kept potted outdoors in the sun if not grown in the ground.

16 Nov, 2008



You are so lucky to be able to grow this palm would do well here in the Spring, Summer...however, once Santa Ana Wind season in Autumn comes along, they would be completely desiccated by the dry hot winds. We've been having these conditions for many weeks now with very hot temperatures around 95 degrees or higher ( 35+ degrees C.) but the humidity is only 10 or 20 percent...sometimes down to 6 or 7 percent in some areas. The plants absolutely hate these conditions.

18 Nov, 2008


Wow amazing temperatures indeed, that sounds like a nightmare to me Delonix1!! I now realize how lucky we are here with our weather and should be just thankful all the time.
We have been watching in the news lately of the devastating bushfires in California, so awful.

18 Nov, 2008



They are not brush fires...they're called "Firestorms" has been very horrible. Almost 1000 homes have been destroyed by the firestorms from Santa Barbara County (North of Los Angeles) to Southern Orange County (County South of Los Angeles). The Santa Ana Winds have been extremely bad this year especially in the Los Angeles and Orange Counties area in particular.

It actually is better this year than last though... many thousands of homes were burned in firestorms all over Southern California last year. The worst in S. Cal. history. In 2003 San Diego had the worst firstorms from Santa Ana Winds ever recorded. It was so smoky, looking like night during the middle of the day. We had ash blowing around for months. Many streets and freeways were closed and people were off of work for 2 or 3 days. I had never experienced anything like this in my life. It was truly a disaster!

19 Nov, 2008


OMG!!!Terrible..terrible..I pity what you all have to go through with such cruel weather and even sorrier for those who have lost their homes and loved ones. So sad.

19 Nov, 2008


It actually is partly a human problem...too many homes are being build in areas that normally burn every 10 to 12 years. Homes that are being built on tops of hills and by canyons where the Santa Ana Winds are by nature the strongest--it's nature against humans, literally.

The saddest part of the firestorms is that some are deliberately set. I know 2 of last years' many fires were started deliberately . Sometimes they are started by arcing electrical wires .

21 Nov, 2008


Yes when nature is at its wrath, it has no pity on anyone or anything in its path.
Those arsonists should be dealt with severely when they get caught!! So frustrating! This world is getting more crazier.

21 Nov, 2008


Yes its the first too that I've heard of the Santa Ana Winds from Delonix, Marguerite.

26 Nov, 2008


Marguerite, Panther:

We were very lucky here last week during our Thanksgiving Holiday...we received almost 3 inches of rain in just 2 1/2 days, mostly at night.(the most rain in one storm in 4 years) it was much welcomed rain...and will not do anything for our drought, however, will decrease the chance of firestorms for the next couple of weeks if we have a big Santa Ana Wind event.

The Santa Ana Winds can start as early as late September to as late as the ending of May. The peak is usually from November through February though.

Marguerite, I have seen some of the Australian firestorms on T.V. here over the years. It is very much the same. We grow so many Eucalyptus trees here which are the biggest fire hazards...but it will never change because Eucalyptus is almost considered a native (non-native). We grow more species of Eucalyptus than anywhere in the World outside of Australia.

2 Dec, 2008


Panther, Marguerite:

I'm so jealous! You both can grown Lipstick Palms and I can't! LOL!!!

They grow well in Hawaii especially in the wet parts of of the Islands. I know they absolutely need a lot of water or they'll die.

2 Dec, 2008


Don't worry Delonix1, you have other beautiful plants there that can make up for this.

5 Dec, 2008

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