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Viburnum Dawn


By Janette

Viburnum Dawn (Viburnum x bodnantense)

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15 Nov, 2008


Very pretty photo :o)
I bet it has a wonderful aroma !

15 Nov, 2008


Thanks guys ,smells lovely TT

15 Nov, 2008


I have one of these... how old is yours and how big. I am always disappointed with mine.

15 Nov, 2008


Hi Sal its about six years old now, small, about two foot I always prune it late spring This year its very sparse ,dont know why it might be something to do with the rotten summer we had ....

15 Nov, 2008


Lovely Janette and it bears my name (no TT, not Virburnum, lol). I must take a close look at mine, didnt know they smelt nice.

15 Nov, 2008


Janette, is your this height because you prune it quite hard? I havent really cut mine back and its about 8 feet high and 4 years old. Dawn

15 Nov, 2008


It most likely the hard prunning I give it Dawn that keep,s it small ,my garden isnt that big ,so it has to be kept in check ....Glad I do it, now that I know they can grow so tall :)

15 Nov, 2008


Janette ~
When you say you prune it hard ~
Do you mean so that it looks like just a few short sticks by the time you've finished, or do you cut selective branches back to the ground ?
Yours looks so healthy, whereas my Viburnum is more straggly and I reckon a real good trim late spring 2009 could be the answer.
PS. Dawn ~
I'm surprised you didn't know that you smell so good. :o)

15 Nov, 2008


Not right to the ground TT .but it get a good chop ,to about half its size ,seems to do it some good ....

15 Nov, 2008


I'd guess this robust bloom and even the strength of scent may result from the cut back. Lovely work.

15 Nov, 2008


Beautiful.....would really love one of these.

15 Nov, 2008


Will take some cuttings Janey and if they take you can have one. Mine's a bit leggy to be honest, so I'll cut it back in late Spring so as not to affect next season's flowering. Thanks for this. I'll check my smell tomorrow TT.

15 Nov, 2008


Lovely pic

15 Nov, 2008


Thanks all for your nice comments

15 Nov, 2008


It,s lovely to have something flowering at this time of the year ,

Mine is about 8ft tall , I have to prune it hard every year or it would be even bigger ..................

16 Nov, 2008


Ooh...lovely Dawn, that's really kind of you.....looking forward to it!

16 Nov, 2008


Hi Janey, looked in my book today and it suggests taking cuttings in Spring, but I've taken a couple today anyway and I'll put them in the greenhouse, if they dont take (which I suspect) I'll take some more in Spring, I'll make a note in my little black book. Dawn

16 Nov, 2008

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This photo is of "Dawn" in Janette's garden

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