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Botanical candles

Botanical candles

Love these candles..only carry them in the winter...real fruits and flowers etc...made of 100% beeswax very long burn time...very nice smell to walk into every day. Notice the saddle lamp as well as the snowman cowboy... LOL..

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lol I like the snowman. Is he a candle ?

16 Nov, 2008


The snowman is frosted can set him in a window or whatever...maybe a tea light under it but probably could crack the glass with the heat I would think. You have just given me an idea..I bet a christmas light inside it would be good....LOL..thanks Hywel!

16 Nov, 2008


You have such unusual things for sale.
Do you source items through catalogues or do you find the stock at special events ?

16 Nov, 2008


looks like a place i could spend hrs in

16 Nov, 2008


Me too Eileen ,great shop CJ

16 Nov, 2008


I have been in business for quite a few years and have tons of reps...they come to me with most of it now. There was a time though that I traveled to the gift shows and researched on the internet...I have so many lines now and good ones with lots of variety that I don't have to research so much...that was half the fun....I use my gut feelings and does it makes me smile, tingle a comfortable sensory place such as smell or feel...strum a heart string... as to whether I buy it or not. When I first opened Mud Cat...I planned my inventory around ..what would a cat still is to a point...

17 Nov, 2008


Irish & Janette...would love to have you for hours too...I have ladies who spend hours one was there for 3 hours...LOL...when ladies come in with their husbands they always tell me on their way out...I will be back without him...LOL..they never get enough time with the husband with them...there are men who like it very much though...had a gentle man from LosAngles in just the other day...brought in his friends on his way through and told me he stops in every time he comes through, it is his favorite shop along the way...always makes me feel good especially on the quiet days that I have been having lately.

17 Nov, 2008


Catfinch ~
Sorry to hear the recession is affecting you too with some quieter times in your shop. How about putting a sign outside saying all the countries where your shop has "fans" ~ Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales, Hungary, Fiji, Canada, Brazil, Australia etc.etc.etc. :o)

17 Nov, 2008


CJ , if janette and myself were ever to visit you wouldnt get us out of there for days lol

17 Nov, 2008


Lol Irish ~
Catfinch will need to write in large letters IRELAND and ENGLAND. Lol. ;o)

17 Nov, 2008


lol aye TT

17 Nov, 2008

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