Adiantum capillus-veneris - Maiden Hair Fern
By Delonix1
- 19 Nov, 2008
This Maiden Hair Fern was growing out of the rocks in the rain forest area at the San Diego Zoo. Virtually, all Maiden Hair Ferns do very well here as long as they are grown in shade with lots of water...even our horrible hard water. Pic was taken Nov. 2, 2008.
Comments on this photo
Didn't realise your area has hard water.
This is a problem also in parts of my region of England.
19 Nov, 2008
Telme8, this species is a tropical species which doesn't like cold weather, however, I know there are some hardier species of Adiantum...which would probably do well in Wales. They may die back in the Winter depending on how cold you get, but will come back in Spring.
Terratoonie, our water is horrible here, it is very bad for many species of tropical plants I grow...especially my 6 1/2 foot coffee tree. I have to leach the soil many times to try to prevent the leaves from brown-tipping (which they do anyway). When and if we get some good rains the leaves tend to look better.
20 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of species Adiantum capillus-veneris - Maiden Hair Fern.
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Hi Delonix, I was suprised to hear you are growing the maiden hair fern outside , then realised you are in America not Britain, what temprature will they tollerate in the Winter, I only know them as an indoor plant from my Aunt and parents days, they always had a maiden hair on the windowsill facing North, now I know why if they like shade! I was never successful at growing them in my younger married years they always died, but if you say they like plenty of water that explains why, as I am no indoor gardener!!! the only indoor plants that survive with me are ones who thrive on neglect!!! I don't see them about in houses now like when I was a youngster, probably out of fashion! but I do love them. I just thought with all the rain we get in this country perhaps I could grow one outside, even if I grew it in a large pot and brought it in?
19 Nov, 2008