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bee on the cosmos

bee on the cosmos (cosmos)

Comments on this photo


yes i did - photography is my hobbie and i love takeing pics of bees and insects best ;o)

7 Feb, 2008


I agree with Buzzbee. Your photos are simply stunning and make compulsive viewing. I'm sure you'll have a huge fan club on the G-O-Y site in no time at all !

8 Feb, 2008


I've just started taking photography more seriously and was wondering what camera and lens are you using for your fantastic insect photos. Can you give me any tips or advice?

10 Feb, 2008


Brilliant, incredible detail, great shot

20 Apr, 2008


Did you say that you can't sell your photos? Or that you did'nt want too? I would definitely pay $ for your photos and I think that a lot of other people would as well. But...until then I'll just continue to be amazed by your hobby.

15 May, 2008

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This photo is of species cosmos.

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