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Long necked turtle


By Gillian

Long necked turtle

From my friend Alison - thought Little' Un might like it.

Comments on this photo


Wow! look at that neck....

2 Dec, 2008


Does it think its a swan?

2 Dec, 2008


Wow I see how it got its name!

2 Dec, 2008


great shot Gillian

2 Dec, 2008


Are they errrrrr - dangerous and wild? I am quaking with fear here! lol

2 Dec, 2008


Is it REAL ..........very strange .....!

2 Dec, 2008


Quite real! The ones to watch out for though are the snapping turtles, could take your fingers off!

2 Dec, 2008


Oh my! This is an unusual one. I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with it. That neck looks fragile all stretched out.

4 Dec, 2008


That guy sure is stretching his neck out. Not frightening to me.Gillian your are so right on! (Would you adopt me! I so much would rather be in Canada.)

I used to swim in Pennsylvania streams with water moccasins gliding past. Never a problem --until I stepped on a snapping turtle. Luckily for me it was a small one. It had clamped on my big toe and nothing would make it let go. Finally I smashed it with a big rock. Never had a problem with rattlers or snakes, but turtles can be mean!

As far as stretching ones neck out, I have a pic of an unfortunate beaver story. It was one of those bad day pics.

10 Dec, 2008


Skyline, that's quite a snapping turtle story. Those things are scary!
You probably wouldn't like Canada at the moment, it's VERY cold!

11 Dec, 2008


Ya, and thanks much for sending it my way. I wouldn.t mind some rocks, but the weather forcast has been a WEATHER ALERT. Over seven days in a row were the high might be freezing, some days 27 F. as the high. Lows in the 17.F range. This is for an entire week.

Add snow and high winds. Expect power outages! Thanks a lot Canada. How many Hurricanes do we send through to you. Even Tornado's usually are absorbed here before being exported. Your Arctic Express's are a gift I can do without.

12 Dec, 2008

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