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My pansies and my feet

My pansies and my feet (Pansy)

Me looking down at the Spring Pansies...wearing one of my favorite pair of Merril's!

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beautiful display of pansies

4 Dec, 2008


Pretty pansies ~
and your feet qualify this picture for my photo favourites Official GoY Footwear Collection :o)

4 Dec, 2008


Thanks Irish, I noticed your lovely picture of the White Pansy! You have some really great photos.

And Tera...there's a 20.00 off coupon at on all Merrills!! ;-) I tend to get my big feet in alot of photos! It seems to be my "signature"! lol Thanks for noticing!

4 Dec, 2008


You would be excellent in our GoY Wellie Olympics. :o)
Your special event ~ the Merrills container vaulting . Lol.
Looks like another gold medal cert. to me. :o)

4 Dec, 2008


That's Hilarious..I just read about the Wellie Olympics on the CAT site! Who knew....

I'm thinking of starting a blog just of where my feet take me! I have a very nice photo of my feet in Lisbon! The tiles in Lisbon are lovely....or maybe it's just the shoes I liked so much!

4 Dec, 2008


A blog of where your feet take you would be really interesting.
Please do that, when you have time in between gardening... and poetry ... and children. :o)

I've just been over to my Wellie Olympics blog to add your chosen sport. LOTS of scrolling down. It took a while.
About 380 + comments. Lol. :o)

Is it Merrills or Merrells ???
Internet seemed to be telling me Merrells......

4 Dec, 2008


Just lovely...., great looking flowers. Oh, and shoes !

4 Dec, 2008


ok, in the middle of the night Teratoonie, I began to question the spelling of Merrells! Spelling: Merrell!

Thanks for the compliments! I rather like the shoes myself! A little snazzy, but really are great...


5 Dec, 2008


I have Merrell's like yours PG...although mine are black with gray stripe and yes thery are very comfortable...I also found Merrill sandals, they have been worn to a frazzle...LOL....I found them both at a Valu a deal...I am always on the look out for them...found a pair for my daughter too...
Love your sunflowers and stuff...welcome to this great group...don't am so glad I found them ....~Cat

5 Dec, 2008


Cat, I know the Merrell sandal's of which you speak! I have been eyeing them up for some time almost bought them yesterday!

This seems like a wonderful place. I don't really have as much time as I like to be here, but I'm glad I found it! Thanks for the welcome!

6 Dec, 2008

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