My Outside Christmas Tree Trimmings ...............................
By Jacque

4 Dec, 2008
Silver Beads,Star Lights& Big Silver Star 4the Top :)
Comments on this photo
Sure it will look great..........
4 Dec, 2008
Oh I'm so excited :o)
This is the GoY Official Christmas Tree going to be lit up !!!
Jacque ~
Which celebrity will be turning on the lights ?
Conker the Sheltie has just been practising turning on switches with his foot, and so he says he recommends Summer the Wonder Dog should be the one to switch on your lights. :o)
4 Dec, 2008
Was going 2 put them up 2 day Amy but weathers been Horrid Here so theyl go up 2morw now as ment 2 be a nicer Day! :) Hopeing 2 Buy More Silver Beads 2:)
4 Dec, 2008
these look really snazzy looking forward to seeing them in place.
4 Dec, 2008
I anticipate the magpies taking a liking to these lol
6 Dec, 2008
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They look pretty , are they going up tonight Jacque !
4 Dec, 2008