all sorts of trouble
By Catfinch
- 4 Dec, 2008
I picked these up last night while getting dinner....they were like a Beacon of hope and love...I sat reading e-mails...GOY...lost my mind and ate half the there's trouble... ^..^ Cat ~ tails draggin today...
Comments on this photo
Yes....oh my I have an Allsorts hang over...gack....and there is no sympathy from any one.... not even our Gardening Friend...oh he is such a dear thing giving us pictorial walks and all....but not a word of support from his precious kingdom.... some friend that one...Gilli should care..but have not heard a word from her....I am in my whimpering stages aren't these allsorts, when over eaten.... give everyone ..even in England this sort of trouble? or is it just me...... ~tHe CAt........~ they were so good.......................................................................................................................................................yummmmm........darn I left them at home.....was thinking .....maybe a little wouldn't hurt.........what is it they say? a little bite of the bear that bit ya not....
4 Dec, 2008
Catfinch, don't know how you could only eat half the bag.. once I get started they all have to go... so well done for showing so much restraint.
4 Dec, 2008
Sal ~
I hope you don't have designs on my Mr Claptrap.
Last time I looked at my photo he was still intact,
but I guess taking that snow photo today made you hungry.
I'd better watch out.
Next you'll be stealing the
chocolate from Toto
in my next photo.
Oh, dear, I've written so many poems on GoY this week that
I rhyme...
all the time...
4 Dec, 2008
~if you don't feel up to eating the rest I will nobly volunteer to take them from you!
I can't have you suffering!just pop them in an envelope and send to......
4 Dec, 2008
Oh no....I am not sharing....I intend to be very sick tomorrow as well!
It is very worth it....I sat there reading away, had decided that I thought sucking one for a while would be well worth the try to make them last longer, fell asleep sitting up there and woke up with it stuck in my cheek and me about to drool licorice juice all over. Had to start slurping and chewing right away so as to not dribble ....I also found that eating off the top and bottom before the middle was good sport...not to mention the coconut rounds and what you can do with those....! Feeling better now...just thinking of the recreation that awaits me at home tonight..! ^..^ ~Cat
4 Dec, 2008
Oh no not the licorice allsorts!! OMG! I havn't had those for sooo long! They have been a weakness of mine for ever along with chocolate bridge mix! Those are the ones I turn to in times of depression and I too eat till I'm sick!
Oh my poor Cat you are in a bad some till I get there we can chomp on them together and drool licorice to our hearts content!
5 Dec, 2008
Oh dear Gloria...I finished them off last night...shall I find another bag for us to share?..I got these at the grocery store right across the way from my would be no problem to go pick up another....and TT these are not cousins...but I fear they are not so fresh as the ones you eat... since they are made in England....shipped here. Oh well... Gloria & I will have to make do I suppose...will have a bag of Allsorts waiting...we should be quite the pretty site by the time we get done with it....but we will be happy and comforted!
5 Dec, 2008
I may need 2 bags of Allsorts...Skyline may be joining Gloria and I when she visits...we will have to take pictures of our gathering...Allsorts included..TT ..will you want to add that picture to your favorites as well?
silly question...LOL...~Cat
6 Dec, 2008
Yes, definitely on my favs.
What a picture it conjures up ~
Gloria, Skyline, Catfinch and lots of Allsorts.
Can't wait. :o)...................
6 Dec, 2008
OH CJ - not fair!!!!! do you know that Licorice Allsorts and Choc Bridge mix are my favorites in the world and are also my best friend Gloria's.
Did you give some to Gloria as a wedding present??????
Thanks for being there for them CJ on their special day-I couldn't be there as I am in Yuma wintering in the desert-wonderful weather and good for the old bones!!!!
18 Dec, 2008
Hi Rockhound ~
Check out my photo of Mr Claptrap ~
I hope you don't want to eat him....
Also Madmum's painting...
Yet more liquorice allsorts.
As you say.......not fair ! LOL :o)
18 Dec, 2008
Glad to be of service ....sorry about the Allsorts ...shoulda thought of it...had a wonderful time ...was an honor , I rarely cry at weddings but this one just about did me in...such a precious happy for them.
Hope to meet you on a summer day is 24degrees here today with a wind blowing...terrible cold..closing down the banks and stores early...bad stuff...good your in the desert staying warm!!!
18 Dec, 2008
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Have you been eating
Mr Claptrap's American cousins ?
You know what happens if you gobble too many of those.....
Gone on my favourites. :o)
4 Dec, 2008