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Some just sprouted lettuce and spinach

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Those look healthy.
How have they progressed since the photo was taken ?

5 Jan, 2009


So far so good, had some problems with slugs and lost a couple but reseeded those spots and everything is growing but slowly!
Thanks for asking.

5 Jan, 2009


Were the slugs hiding in the soil/compost, or did they invade from outside?
A TV show recently said that the tiny little slugs hiding in the soil can sometimes be more of a threat than the big fat ones which arrive from elsewhere.
Personally I think they are all a threat. LOL.
Glad to know everything is progressing.
Maybe if you get time later on you can take a follow-up photo.
If you do, please put a comment here, so that I don't miss it. Thanks. :o)

5 Jan, 2009


I set out traps for them and have gotten both big and small, I think they are coming from the outside because it is warmer in the greentent. And there is food of course! : )
The clerk at the grocery must think I have become a big drinker, I have been buying cheap beer for the slug traps, but it works real good!
I will attempt to get some more pics as soon as it clears up a little. The weather here has reminded me of Britian, gray and overcast. lol

5 Jan, 2009


We have just a very thin covering of snow in England today. Very cold.
Children around here who hadn't seen snow before were thrilled with this little bit of snow, running up and down the road !

Yes, your grocery store staff must see you buy all that beer, and then check to see if you can still walk in a straight line. LOL.

5 Jan, 2009


LOL..TT. It could be that or wobbly slugs!!

Wohlibuli do you just pour the beer in the container?

5 Jan, 2009


You put out a small shallow plastic or glass container, I use peanut butter jar lids, and fill it with beer. They are attracted to it, crawl in and die! My grandmother taught me this trick, very low tech but it works!

5 Jan, 2009


Mmm interesting, better than using chemicals. Is it cold there too where you are?

5 Jan, 2009


My Grandad used the same trick Wohlibuli. That and upside down plant pots on the ends of sticks stuck into the ground and filled with straw to catch earwigs.

5 Jan, 2009


It has been very mild for the last few days, with a lot of rain. Today it was 65F which is above normal. Have only had freezing temps a couple of times since Christmas.
Gilli: Have never heard that one for Earwigs but I will remember it, just in case!

5 Jan, 2009


Apparently the earwigs go to nest in there in the day time. Grandad would go around in the morning and shake the straw into the garbage or onto the burning pile if he was going to burn that day. Then he would refill them with damp straw and put them back on their sticks. There always used to be lots of earwigs in the pots on a morning.

6 Jan, 2009


I've learnt a lot from this thread.
Thank you.
Earwigs and slugs - watch out :o)

27 Jan, 2009


What a difference time makes. Actually was able to harvest a small amount from this bed this weekend.

30 Mar, 2009


Well done :o)

30 Mar, 2009


Good on you!! :-)

31 Mar, 2009

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