geranium leaves
By Readejahn
- 9 Dec, 2008
A leaf from each variety, wild and cultivated, in my garden. I bet some clever person will be able to identify them!
Comments on this photo
Oh, well done TT! Reminds me of early on in my GOY life when I tried to answer a "what is this plant?" question, and found two answers which said "I've got one just like it and I don't know either" - DUH!
9 Dec, 2008
Must admit if I see a photo of a plant I like, and under the photo, the question is "What is it ?" I sometimes leave a comment, saying that I am doing so, in order that I will automatically be informed of any further comments. That way I hope to eventually find out the identity.
Maybe that's what I've done here....Lol
9 Dec, 2008
Wow! The leaves do look different and no, I do not have any geraniums so my answer was safe, right?
9 Dec, 2008
Er, top right could be Maculatum? bottom left oxonianum? above that to the right Sylvaticum? the one with the dark splotches Phaeum? Bet they're all wrong! Come on folks, have a go.
9 Dec, 2008
Gosh Wagger, I only know some are pink, some blue, one white and there's also a herb robert hiding in there. Well done!
9 Dec, 2008
There are so many. I only have a few.
10 Dec, 2008
But did I get any right? Probably not!
10 Dec, 2008
I'm ashamed to say I would have to do some serious research to be able to confirm any identification. I know each from how I acquired it - which friend, which nursery. I gave away my favourite which was a double purple which, for some reason never thrived here - too much competition probably. I know I got that from a memorable visit to Beth Chatto's Essex estate. I also remember the day from being horrified to see another visitor surreptitiously stealing seedheads!
10 Dec, 2008
Let's have a go. There are so many varieties now it's hard to be sure. Thinking fo your picture as a clock the one at the bottom , 6 o'clock, may be Phaeum as someone else said. Is it tall with white flowers ( alba) or deep purple flowers ?
At 7 o'clock and 9 o'clock it may be Claridge Druce. Is it tall, vigorous, pink flowers, seeds itself everywhere , in the middle of other plants too , like a weed?
At 10 o'clock and 4 o'clock they look to be from a similar family. Could be macrorrhizum geraniums , Bevan's variety or Ingwersen's variety. Do they have perfumed leaves and fat runners that spread across the surface of the earth ? Mauve or cerise flowers. If strong cerise, could be Czakor.
From my limited knowledge , that's my contribution.
Next please !!
10 Dec, 2008
And the smallest leaf just above Phaeum? could be a Sanguineum.
10 Dec, 2008
Ten oclock is macrorrhizum, I think, perfumed and very vigorous. 4 oclock is the dark purple, there is a cutivated version, but this is the wild one.
I promise I'll use my blissful solitude over Christmas (if not sooner) to do a proper identification, a good exercise for me too. i may not find all the names, but can describe flower and habit.
The big raggy one may be wild too, it flowers early but the flower is variegated pale blue.
Thanks for looking and taking an interest.
10 Dec, 2008
Now you say that and looking again at the 4 o'clock leaf it could be from Geranium Magnificum, big saucer-shaped single deep mauve / purple flower.
10 Dec, 2008
I've just been doing some 'Googling' and will be putting findings (and key) in a blog soon. It was unexpectedly tricky.
10 Dec, 2008
If anyone still cares, please see my blog of 11 December
11 Dec, 2008
I care and am going to have a look. Thanks :o)
11 Dec, 2008
A clever TT... lol,
Good idea about keep a comment to see the right answers!!!
I wouldn't dare a indentification try... lol.
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I have identified them.
They're geraniums. :o)
Sorry, that's the best I can do, but clever idea to display the leaves like that for comparison.
Well done.
Good photo. :o)
9 Dec, 2008