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Broken wind chimes

Broken wind chimes

on my recent trip to the nursery i decovered these just sitting in a pot in the bargain section, they were originally wind chimes, that had big wobbly red caps that tinkled in the wind, but the tops had smashed, so i made a deal with the lady for the bases, which i actually like better, look a bit like giant distroying angels i think

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When wind chimes are hanging up, clanging, I don't like them.
This is very creative and much better.
Well done :o)

14 Dec, 2008


Yes, Angie, I do like them. I agree with you on this one - thank you for posting the photo - I was imagining all sorts! MILES better than my imagined picture LOL.

14 Dec, 2008


Fun guy in the garden, Corny i know but the best i could come up with,

14 Dec, 2008


Very witty Ff . Good one. :o)

14 Dec, 2008


oh dear, all i can say FF, is don't give up your day job lol. and yes i like them far better than with the tops on, although i do quite like the hanging wind chimes, but nothing too tinkley, i have some of the bamboo ones that make a far deeper sound, really like them, find them relaxing.

14 Dec, 2008


Looks good Maj. :o)

14 Dec, 2008


Looks great amongst the plants....

16 Dec, 2008

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