Winter Snowfall today
By Grammazoo

19 Dec, 2008
We are just starting to get a winter snowstorm today, so I filled all the birdfeeders and put suet in the logs and on the pinecone feeder for them. Quite a few are in the yard, although I can't get a good photo of them with this camera. It's nice to help them through this weather. Although you can't see it in the photo, the wind is gusting pretty well and the drifts are already starting to build up in the yard. Time to get my boots on and go shovel off the steps & driveway....
Comments on this photo
19 Dec, 2008
Ooh....that is cold looking......beautiful too though!
19 Dec, 2008
Great to see all feeders well stocked...many little lives being saved for sure!
19 Dec, 2008
Wow Grammazoo.....proper Christmas weather. The last Christmas that I can remember that we had snow here was 1970 and it was my 21st......It must be nice...although cold.....
19 Dec, 2008
Oh that's awfull.! I hope it clears away soon for you.
19 Dec, 2008
I don't think that it's going to clear away any time too soon Hywel. The temps are going to remain low for a while. I am also in the middle of a major storm. There is already 10 inches on the ground and it's suppose to snow for another 5 hours. We also have another major storm rolling in on Sunday. This is typical for winter in New England. A white Christmas for sure this year.
20 Dec, 2008
I hear you Mike and Grammazoo. Its sitting at -18F (-28C) at the moment and no end in sight, just lower temps. At least at this temperature there isn't much snow falling. There is a nasty wind blowing though. Brrrrrr.
Be careful out there shovelling Grammazoo.
Love all your feeders. There aren't many birds around here this year. I don't know why.
20 Dec, 2008
We've just had an unusually cold spell in Wales for the time of year. It lasted over a week and I couldn't cope with it. The temp went down to about -3 or -4 C in the nights. It was starting to make me feel ill.
I preffer our mild rainy weather. I don't know how you all cope with such conditions. I feel for you.
20 Dec, 2008
Stay warm Grammazoo. Great efforts for the bird friends.
Gilli you make me feel spoiled, we jumped up to 10 to 20, hard pack was slush yesterday.... Lower latitude weather must have crept north.
20 Dec, 2008
Don't feel too bad for us Hywel as we are accustomed to the snow. As a matter of fact I think Grammazoo will agree with me that we don't get anywhere near the amount of snow that we did years ago. The winters have been milder for the last 6 or 7 years. I can remember there being always at least 3 to 4 feet of snow on the ground throughout the winter. The snow banks were always so high that you couldn't see cars going by.
We have another 10 t0 14 inches coming tomorrow. Two big storms a day apart. I hope that this doesn't mean the end of our milder winters streak.
20 Dec, 2008
I know what you mean Mike. 25 or 30 years ago here was colder on the whole and certainly much more snow.
Greenthumb, how did you manage to have such warm temperatures? I will send this cold back up your way. It was -30C (-22F) this morning and it is supposed to get colder over the next couple of days. We have a severe snowfall warning and extreme frostbite warning. I would much rather be in Wales with you Hywel. I might live here but I still don't like the cold temperatures (or the extreme heat in the summer for that matter!) :o)
20 Dec, 2008
Yes this snowfall is a lot less than years ago, Mike. I grew up with winters that used snowblowers as well as road plows to remove roadside snowbanks that were higher than the cars. I would not really be happy in a climate without winter - I still love to see the snow, although driving and shoveling just aren't as much fun as sledding, skidooing and winter sports were way back when ...
The cold weather brings the cleanest, freshest air, that invigorates you with each breath; I love to walk in winter!!
21 Dec, 2008
That wind was crazy, wasn't it? Blew our barbeque over, first time that's happened!
30 Dec, 2008
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The birds will be grateful for your kindness in putting out the food.:o)
19 Dec, 2008