The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Winter Car

Winter Car

Stuck in the driveway! This is as far as the hot little 'zoom' 'zoom' car made it!

Comments on this photo


I hope you took this after you got home!....It's gorgeous...especially on a photo! lol

24 Dec, 2008


! :o(

24 Dec, 2008


Yes Janey I took these after we finally made it home! Oh Hywel, you are so funny! You really don't like the snow do you!

24 Dec, 2008


Pollyannaever I have admired the way you have coped with this year and wish you all the best for the next 2009

24 Dec, 2008


Thank you kindly Amy! It has surely been one of the most unbelievable, unreal, agonizing, painfull, despairing, doubting, empty, lost, traumatic, hopeful, learning, growing, joyful, exciting, promising year of my life!!

25 Dec, 2008


~i'm really glad you got home safe! Must have been a bit of an adventure!
Best wishes for a fantastic 2009 to you both!

25 Dec, 2008


glad you got home safe Gloria, i love the snow.

26 Dec, 2008


Irish, don't take this the wrong way - but (whispers) you must be mad!

Who wants to be stuck in THAT lot? - not me!

28 Dec, 2008


Yes Arlene it was an adventure alright! This has been a winter for my records!
Pollyanna wispering.... Barbara the girl must be a wee bit daft! Gosh Irish you must not have had much experience with snnooww!!!

29 Dec, 2008

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