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skull & cross bone wellies

skull & cross bone wellies

We have a wellie olympics volunteer in one of my customers..she captured this dastardly flower pot person out side my store an drug him in for me...Kudo's to this Wonder Wellie Person.

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Ah, so the Wellie Olympics Pub Crawl has reached Mud Cat.
This is excellent news. And what a wonderful wellie-clad customer to give up part of Christmas Day to capture this Flower Pot Person. :o)

Well done Cj.
Well done Catfinch.
Well done Cf.
Well done Caroline.
Well done Lady Catkins.

Gone on my favourite photos. :o) xxx

25 Dec, 2008


She is a dastardly pirate sort...we can thank our lucky stars...she is on our side!

25 Dec, 2008


I agree. Dastardly !
We need her to be supporting our Wellie team !
Was that last comment from all five of you ? LOL

25 Dec, 2008's me thinking this is Lady Cattyfinch and Sire KK at long last!! :o)

25 Dec, 2008


you forgot...Sis-n so that would be all 6 of us...!

26 Dec, 2008


Arrrrrrrrrrrr, my nephew would love these wellies!

29 Dec, 2008


Thanks for including me in, Catfinch. My wellies would cower in shame at the sight of these fine wellies.

30 Dec, 2008


And what type of wellies do you have, Weeds 11 ???
Do they have a special design of weeds adorning them ?
I'm guessing your wellies are very fashionable and attractive. :o)

30 Dec, 2008


TT, Shall I go spray paint my plain black wellies? (I told you I was a commoner. Not a fashionable bone in my body, I promise.) :-)

30 Dec, 2008


Listen here my Sisty!....
TT...listen too...this so called unfashionable creature is one of the loveliest, most gracious creatures I have ever in my life not let her fool you..if she is without fashion ...we are all in trouble. ~Cat

31 Dec, 2008


TT - Cat's memory fails her. If she had seen me at the barn these past stormy days in my lined bib overalls and my wool lined barn coat, she would eat those words. We call them Carharts here. Serviceable, but not a good look. Fashion it ain't. Weeds

1 Jan, 2009


I have I think they are just lovely...and we don't even want to talk about my barn coats or muck boots.....yuck...but I have to say is keepers

1 Jan, 2009


So, so true! LOL

1 Jan, 2009


When I get to hold one of those massive heads in my arms and rub their eyes and feel them move their nostrils to smell my breath and we breathe messages to each other..I don't give a wit what I am wearing.

1 Jan, 2009


And neither do they.

3 Jan, 2009


No... but they sure do care what you have in your mouth!...LOL..Flash loves the smell of peppermint chewing gum so if I can remember to chew some, I

3 Jan, 2009


Flash is a funny boy! I remember someone telling me that they give their horse a piece of peppermint hard candy occasionally.

6 Jan, 2009


Well, I've just caught up on this thread ...
Seems like we all agree that Flash is the best horse in the world.
Just not sure yet about Wellies for Weeds11.
Is there a photo ???

6 Jan, 2009


TT - I'll get right on that, m'am. :-) Nothing like a picture of plain black wellies to incite a riot!, TT, have not met Happy Dan the wonder horse. (Who has only bucked me off the one time.) LOL

7 Jan, 2009


NOt to worry Weedy. My wellies are just plain (if a little muddy) black with orange soles. :o)

7 Jan, 2009


Some plain and fancy wellies can be admired on my Blog #1 Wellie Olympics.
Jacque's pair of Jacque boots is another example of muddy wellies which have done many days' hard work. :o)

Looking forward to Weeds11 photos.
Is there a picture of Happy Dan ?
Is there picture of Happy Dan happily throwing Weeds11 ?

May I please shorten Weeds11 to Weeds, or is the full title mandatory ???

7 Jan, 2009


My Hibiscus....(Weeds)...Gilli's Weedy..I have conceeded to defeat on that dear ...but she shall be my Hibiscus...I am sure it is with are giving her this nickname...
But back to my Lovely Hibiscus, she does have one flaw...she thinks her Happy Dan is to compare in wonderment to my wonderful Flash....poor ...silly has only been thrown happily thrown once by her Happy Dan..while Flash has thrown me in wonderment tell me which is the more am so proud of him....he is glorious..when throwing me...flying threw the wind like a God and suddenly turning while I hang from one let me fall off into the dirt and I slide in perfectly from not so high up...he thinks of everything...he is so very thoughtful...

7 Jan, 2009


Gilli, I Iike simple. Black wiith orange. Ah yes, classic, timeless.

TT -By all means, call me Weeds or even just W. The "11" was just my shoe size anyway. ;-) Ha! See my pictures for Wellies and Happy Dan, the Wonderhorse. Sorry don't have pix of my unceremonious dismount. I was too busy analyzing my form.

Cat, Flash is indeed fine horseflesh, I am amazed that he didn't... upon tossing you, pick you up in his teeth and place you back in the saddle. LOL.

8 Jan, 2009


Weedy and is indeed with the greatest affection that I am referring to Weeds11 as Weedy. Please excuse me if this has offended. It was certainly not meant to be taken that way. :o(
From this moment I shall bow to decorum and nevermore refer to Weeds11 as Weedy!!! <sob!>

Black with orange....classic, timeless....yes indeed.....and goes so well with simple

8 Jan, 2009


Gilli, Rest assured, I am not the least bit upset with being called Weedy. I enjoy your witty comments, whatever you call me.
Pearls would be perfect to accessorize your black with orange wellies! You sense of good taste overwhelms me. Weedy :-)

8 Jan, 2009


Oh my dear Weedy....I'm so glad that I have not offended you in any way. I would cause me the geatest distress to have done so......
It is just that naughty CF who is trying to stir up trouble again. <sigh> :o)
CF, behave!!

8 Jan, 2009


I can see that you have become overwrought and distraught by this whole issue. One as sensitive as you could make themselves ill under these circumstances. No more tears and sighs now. Surely CF knows not what she does. Now lift your quivering chin and march forward. :-]

9 Jan, 2009


Do not let this imp...fool you ...she is as sly as they her now...
she will sidle up with a Rose tinted tea and you will be lost. Do not under any circumstances drink of her fairy supping sauce.....I made that mistake once..maybe even twice...hic...

9 Jan, 2009


Eat your heart out Jack Sparrow!! brilliant piccy I love those wellies

9 Feb, 2009


Noseypotter would like to own some skull and crossbone wellies, so if you see any up Norfok way, please let us know ! Thanks. :o)

9 Feb, 2009

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