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serious snow sniffer

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Sofie the snow sniffer.
Say that after a couple of drinks. :o)
Happy 2009 to Sofie. xxx

27 Dec, 2008


She got very clumpy and wet from the snow...was a dripping sniffer for a bit after coming inside...poor girl...with her bad hip this has been hard on her...gets extra pillow ,blankies, glucosamine and baby helps her...when she gets stove up....

27 Dec, 2008


I'm sure you give all your animals the very best treatment and care. :o)

27 Dec, 2008


They are good fur friends to me and teach me so many things....I owe them for their loyalty....what more I ask myself, can I do for them to let them much they are loved.

27 Dec, 2008


Yes, we do as much as we can for them.
Keep them warm, correctly fed, happy and healthy for as long as possible, and then don't let them suffer.

27 Dec, 2008


~I'm sure they do know how much you care~ they tune in to your feelings much more than we realise !
Hope you are in for a milder spell!

27 Dec, 2008


When I came home last night to my was filled with so much glee...laughter and made me happy....each one doing their specail tail wags and dances for me to show their happiness that i had come home.

27 Dec, 2008


I can just imagine that.
So many special moments we have with our dogs. :o)

27 Dec, 2008


~it is always such a happy occasion when you return home~it is one of the nicest things about having dogs!

27 Dec, 2008


At my home, Crocus the budgie also gives me a chirpy welcome. LOL

27 Dec, 2008


All of my furs greet me at the door with just so much excitement...I then let them out to go poddies...then they all race back in and run upstairs...Sofie used to run up too and do happy circles in front of my chair so I would sit down so she could leap into my lap and so her version of a they all race upstairs, except for Sofie, she could make it up but it takes her a long while in comparison so..I pick Sofie up, cuddle her and kiss her and carry her up the stairs...instead...I put her on the couch where she has a favorite pillow at one end to lean he chin on. After we have a cuddle she goes there and happily naps.

27 Dec, 2008


Awww. Poor old Sofie. I'm sure your cuddles make her feel so much better.

28 Dec, 2008


She came to me as a rescued dog..she had been battered and the vet when checking her out for her hip problem said it seemed as though she may have either been hit by a car or kicked at some time and it healed back wrong so this is why she has never been able to jump real well and now artheritis has set in. both back leg and that one side the worst..she has always needed extra loves and hugs and understanding...her abusers were not children...she has a special love for children and aboslutely crumbles when my grands are here..falls all over herself to be near them.

28 Dec, 2008


Lovely dog CF, she appears to be entranced by something she's tracking.

13 Jan, 2009


Her nose is very reads more mail than most dogs...

13 Jan, 2009

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