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Photo taken today.


By Mikec

Photo taken today.

All the snow is gone after five days of sun and very mild temperatures. I hope your snow melts as quickly Pollyannaever :)
Isn't it amazing that after being under so much snow my herbs and Dusty Millers in my raised bed still look good.

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Think the snow acts as an insulator Mike.

29 Dec, 2008


What a transformation in just a few days. Glad for it to go quick though otherwise it just ends up slushy, dirty and horrid! (Well it does here in Yorkshire anyway)

29 Dec, 2008


Yes it does. I've found over the years that if we have a snow cover for most of the winter the perennials do better the following year. The snow does act as an insulator againts wind burn and extreme cold temperatures.

29 Dec, 2008


That's a very interesting comment you make, Mike.
Cold winds can be very damaging to some plants.

29 Dec, 2008


It is interesting Terratoonie... Some plants have very fine roots and don't grow deeply in the soil. They are just under the surface of the soil. If it's extremely cold and windy it can do a lot of damage to the roots often killing the plants. I'm lucky with my garden as it's completely enclosed by a 6 foot stockade fence which blocks a lot of the wind. As a precaution though I always leave fallen leaves in the flower beds until the spring. When there is snow on the ground all winter long there is no worry about damaging plants.

29 Dec, 2008


This is a nicer photo :o)

29 Dec, 2008


I agree Hywel... I've had enough of the white stuff.

29 Dec, 2008


Same thing happened in my garden, I couldn't resist putting on the wellies and going for a walkabout. Snows back today though, at least it will protect the plants a bit from the cold wind (-20 with the windchill later today)

31 Dec, 2008


what a difference, would imagine all your plants will be fine, there are lots of neutriants in snow, and now that it has all melted into the ground, they will all be having a feast! it's frost that is the killer. - that is all we seem to get here!

2 Jan, 2009


Dusty Miller is over winters here in my gardens with no special protection, but only lives 2 seasons. And as usual, the snow has returned to bless us once again... All that snow we had last winter really helped the roses...there was very little winterkill. When it's cracking cold like it is today I wish for more snow to help my perennials and shrubs to survive and thrive....then I say to myself "What are you thinking woman?" BUT, having said that, I would rather have the temps that accompany snowfall...between
10 and 15 degrees F. than the numbing minus double digits!! so...bring on the snow!!

4 Jan, 2009


Summer is nearly here

22 Mar, 2009

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