winter pots
By Gwendas

5 Jan, 2009
Have bought some little terracotta pots ready for some snowdrops.
Comments on this photo
Pretty patio arrangement :o)
5 Jan, 2009
Thank you both. I love the fact I can look out at them from my kitchen window and it is quite sheltered. Can't wait for some flowering snowdrops to be available at the garden centres.
5 Jan, 2009
They'll look great there.......shall you plant them in the garden later Gwendas?
5 Jan, 2009
They are going to look lovely Gwendas !
6 Jan, 2009
Yes hope to plant out the snowdrops I get soon into the garden after flowering. Have planted some bulbs but have read they do better 'in the green' - is that right?!
As some of the bulbs underplanted in the pots grow up through I hope to also plant out the hebe and the heuchuera and maybe the grasses too.
We've had extremely hard frosts for the West Country - -5! so am hoping my new herbs there - wild rosemary and myrtle - survive.
7 Jan, 2009
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Your winter pot look lovely Gwendas...
5 Jan, 2009