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Yay, a smashin' photo! Look at that beak!

10 Jan, 2009


brilliant photo BB

10 Jan, 2009


WOW what a guy :-)

10 Jan, 2009


Thanks all...from the rookery next door.Theres about a hundred of them,but only about ten venture down to our garden.They get leftover pasta,and scones !

10 Jan, 2009


Do they have a rota BB, lol??

10 Jan, 2009


Funnily enough Dawn They wait for the boss,usually one of the oldest before coming down.Then they wait til he has eaten his full before coming down in twos ! Pity humans arent that courteous lol.

10 Jan, 2009


great shot BB

10 Jan, 2009


Thanks Gilli

10 Jan, 2009


Great looking bird. I always always thought it was rooks or crows in the trees near me. Only discovered they are jackdaws since joining GoY!!

10 Jan, 2009


Yes,we keep on learning from each other on here dont we.

10 Jan, 2009


I am stupid - I just asked on another photo if you get rooks. Sorry.

10 Jan, 2009


I suppose this is where the phrase of "pecking order", comes from, lol.

10 Jan, 2009



10 Jan, 2009


Good photo BB !

10 Jan, 2009


oo, scary bird but they are clever.

11 Jan, 2009


Yes Ams I rather like them , interesting when they land dont seem to scare other birds despite their size. If a Jackdaw arrives though others scatter, think this due to their nest raiding habits.

Jane even had me hanging up a rind of a roast joint in a tree for them lol.

11 Jan, 2009


Great photo.....

11 Jan, 2009


Thanks Janette

11 Jan, 2009


Thanx for loading this pic Jane/Ray iv never seen a Rook so close :) Creeping looking things are`nt they!

11 Jan, 2009


Theres about a hundred next door Jacque....but only about ten visit...dont think even we could cope if they all came down at once lol

11 Jan, 2009


Not Being Cruel Jane but im glad i dont get them visit me :) But if they did id still feed them even if they are Creepy looking :/

11 Jan, 2009


Bless you Jacque....and you would do too I bet !lol

11 Jan, 2009


Well they must get Hungry 2 so they need their Tummys filling dont they :) Starlings are Bit Wierd 2 :/ But i get them &feed m :)

11 Jan, 2009


Good Grief...., he's downright wicked looking, isn't he ?! He's a crafty looking character . Great shot !

11 Jan, 2009


Aye they get a bad press but live in highly organised social groups have a very strict pecking order .When its foggy and misty and they collect in the trees above the old chuch its soooooooooooo spooky as Jacque would say.

Jacque they even eat my cooking left overs - strange theres always so much of it when I do it !

11 Jan, 2009


Sounds like someone's dropping a subtle hint, and is trying to get out of cooking duty to

12 Jan, 2009


I chuck Out Food thats left over 2 Jane ,Remember My Over Cooked Rice Pudding LOL it lasted the Birds Days lol :)

12 Jan, 2009


NooooooFlc ! Jacque...will never forget your over cooked rice pud lol

12 Jan, 2009


I would imagine we think of them being spooky because they tend to be shown in horror films, hanging around grave yards, crowing ... or is that crows, lol. Like The Omen, wooooo

12 Jan, 2009


Their quite like gentlemen Dawn..wait for each other to feed in turn.Admire their guts in the face of adversity.!

12 Jan, 2009


Flc Nooooo

12 Jan, 2009


Lol, the more I look at the pic, the more I like him. I'm pleased to hear they are well mannered BB, I like that in a man.

16 Jan, 2009



16 Jan, 2009

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